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How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections

Dr. David Brownstein, who has a clinic just outside of Detroit, has successfully treated over a hundred patients using nebulized hydrogen peroxide.

How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide has become my favorite intervention for COVID-19 and other upper respiratory infections, namely nebulized hydrogen peroxide. He has published the results of his work in a study that you can download here.


Since I first wrote about it at the beginning of April 2020, I've received impressive testimonials of its effectiveness from friends and acquaintances who got severely ill and used it.

Brownstein is probably best known for his promotion of iodine and its supplementation. He was also an early adopter of vitamin D optimization and nebulized peroxide. He explains the background that led him to his current regimen:

"The history goes back about 28 years when I began practicing holistic medicine. Of course, we would see people with influenza and influenza-like illnesses every fall and winter, so I started searching for things that would help people's immune systems ...

We initially started using vitamin C and vitamin D. I started to check vitamin D levels in 1992. What I found was the vast majority of my patients, well over 90%, were deficient in vitamin D, and those who had more chronic issues and were sicker in general, they usually had lower levels of vitamin D ...

Then I came across vitamin A. I originally read the research on how vitamin A helped third world countries when they had measles infections and helped ... [patients] recover uneventfully if they had enough vitamin A, so I quickly added vitamin A to the regimen.

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