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How To Become Part of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Class Action Law Suit

Dr Fuellmich and his team have spent months listening to the expert advice from hundreds of professionals most of whom have been censored by big tech when speaking against the official WHO narrative of Covid-19

How To Become Part of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Class Action Law Suit

You can contact Dr. Fuellmich via his contact page on his website. He does get hundreds of emails per day, which are all read and says he responds to those of importance.

Dr. Fuellmich and his team have spent months listening to the expert advice from hundreds of professionals, including Dr. Mike Yeadon and Prof. Dolores Cahill, most of whom have been censored by big tech when speaking against the official WHO narrative of Covid-19 especially related to the unreliable PCR tests that has being encouraged by all Governments for en masse testing.

Crimes Against Humanity Dr Reiner Fuellmich

On his site, the visitor can see this German announcement: Wir beraten und unterstutzen aktiv die Aktivitaten zu der Corona Schadensersatzklage. Which translates as: We actively advise and support the activities regarding the Corona claim for damages. Below that announcement, there is a green message (Zur Corona Schadensersatzklage Seite – To the Corona Claim for Damages page) which takes you to this site.

The following link takes you to the Corona Committee website Which translates as Corona action for damages.

For now, this committee is only representing German clients, but plan to publish names of lawyers and law firms internationally who will be taking part in legal action for redress against the corona measures.

The translation site DeepL generates decent translations in a variety of languages. It is absolutely recommended over Google to translate the German content on Dr. Fuellmich websites.

Reiner Fuellmich, who practices law in California as well as Germany, belongs to the ACU2020 organization, also comprising German doctors Heiko Schoning, Bodo Schiffmann and the Austrian doctor Martin Haditsch. Dr. Heiko Schoning was the one who welcomed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Berlin at the end of August, and the one who was arrested two weekends ago as he began his speech in Trafalgar Square to a large protest group.

The basis of Fuellmich’s class action law suit against those responsible for the corona scandal rests on the following premises. Taken from the video interview:

  • Companies and persons who suffered damage during lockdown, & etc. are entitled to full recovery of said damages.
  • Not only are those officials who made the decision to lockdown, &etc. responsible, but also the manufacturers of the PCR test, upon which the coronavirus measures were largely based, and which is completely unsuitable for detecting an infection. It is not even licensed or approved for diagnostic purposes. This is contrary to all official assurances, including those made by the WHO.
  • There is no valid factual or legal basis for the corona measures, including face masks, which need to be ended immediately.
  • The biggest wave of bankruptcies of all time is threatening the world economy right now, which greatly affects small and medium business and the self-employed.
  • (The German judiciary is not sufficiently independent politically to judge cases against big corporate players, so cases are now being referred to the EU Court of Justice.)
  • A US-style class-action lawsuit can really help in this situation, which must be publicized throughout the general media in order to attempt to include all relevant participants (Fuellmich explains additional advantages of class-action suits, including low cost, speed and simpler legal procedures).
  • The aim is to get hundreds of thousands or even millions of people involved in this suit, who have suffered the same type of damage, with a very large price tag attached, all of which is likely to bring the madness to an end much faster.
  • ACU2020’s main POLITICAL goal is to start the long overdue scientific discussion about the true danger of the virus, the reliability of the test and the collateral damage (health and economic) caused by anti-coronavirus measures. It will be achieved faster, however, if a loud BANG is heard by means of a successful class-action suit involving perhaps millions of people.
  • It is possible to make the victims of the anti-coronavirus measures ‘whole’ again.

Read the full article at the original website.


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