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How To Cleanse Your Aura

We may brush our teeth, wash our hands, and bathe our bodies every day, but not many of us know how to keep energetically clean.If we’re living a balanced lifestyle, this should happen naturally.

How To Cleanse Your Aura

. When we’re overworked, malnourished, and sleep deprived, however, our energetic hygiene can get neglected. Why is this important? Because when we look at our bodies under a strong enough microscope, we see that we’re essentially made up of atoms– which is energy. An organism’s energy is not restricted to just its physical form but extends outward in an egg shape.

The egg shaped energy is what we call the aura and it can be witnessed using Kirlian photography. Just like the body, the aura needs to be taken care of to ensure optimum health. If your aura needs to be cleansed you may feel: By cleansing your aura daily (ideally in the morning and night), you rid yourself of negative energies that you’ve picked up from your environment or the people around you. When I say “negativity” I’m referring to heavy emotions from others, daily stresses, thought forms, cords, and other types of energetic phenomena that drain our vital energy. It’s important to note that we are meant to experience life and all of the wonderful opportunities that come with it. “Dirtying” your aura from everyday experiences is normal... just remember to clean it! Below I’ve listed 5 ways that I find very effective in clearing the aura of negative energy: Black Tourmaline is one of my favorite stones to use; it not only cleanses the aura of negativity but also, when worn as a pendant or kept somewhere on the body, protects the aura by shielding it from unwanted energy throughout the day. Some other crystals that are great for cleansing the aura are fire agate, black kyanite, smokey quartz, labradorite.

The smoke from burning sage has been used for many years to cleanse the aura or the environment of unwanted energies. It can be purchased at most metaphysical stores. It has a powerful cleansing effect and after using it on my aura or around my home I always feel relaxed and renewed. My favorite essential oils for cleansing the aura are bergamot, cedarwood, and orange. You can add a few drops of these oils to a carrier oil and apply it directly to the skin or add it to a nebulizer/diffuser to cleanse both your aura and home/office space.

These essential oils specifically are great for purifying, grounding, and uplifting the energy. Salt has been known to have a cleansing and balancing effect on the body for ages. If you’re not close to an ocean, bathing in an Epsom salt or Dead Sea salt bath can be tremendously relieving and cleansing after a stressful day. Sea salt baths can also help skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema and soothe sore and achy muscles. Swimming or bathing in salt water cleanses, refreshes, and reenergizes the energy body. Getting into the elements is perhaps the most powerful way to cleanse the energy body. Although just being outside is beneficial, fully immersing yourself in nature is the best way to cleanse and ground yourself. Gardening, walking in the woods, and sitting by a body of water or a bonfire are all powerful ways you can get close to nature and rid the aura of negative energy. I hope that you find these tips useful. Feel free to share your favorite way to cleanse your aura in the comments below! Do you ever feel like you’re looking everywhere for the answers? Do you feel anxious and uncertain when you think about what you’re meant to do in this world? Do you wish someone could teach you HOW to discover your soul purpose for yourself? I’ve helped over 2.5 million spiritual seekers develop their intuition and discover their soul purpose. If you’re interested in getting FREE spiritual seeker content and weekly angel readings delivered straight to your inbox, click here. Thanks for reading! .

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