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How To Listen To Your Soul & Improve Your Manifesting Ability

Every single day, whether you are aware of it or not, you are consciously creating your experience.You are in the process of creating that which you desire over and over again.

How To Listen To Your Soul & Improve Your Manifesting Ability

. In order to become a conscious creator, you need to know where you are and where you are going. Let’s call those points “A” and “B.” Whenever we travel to new destinations most of us have a map that tells us where we are and how to get to our selected destination. Navigating life is a little trickier. As humans, we have a built in GPS system known as our emotions.

They help guide us to our next highest choice and eventually to our selected destination. Our society is a little obsessed with destinations. We love to know what we’re going to buy next or where we’re going to go but if you imagine yourself on a map and your goal is your “B” point, how the heck are you going to get there if you don’t know your “A?” Next to your “A” point is the little arrow that says in capital letters “YOU ARE HERE!” In order to know where you are at, at this point in your life, you need to be able to ask yourself the big questions like: “Am I happy with my current routine?” “What makes me happy and what doesn’t?” “Who am I?” “How am I sabotaging my success?” “Am I leading a life that I like or am I trying to please someone else?” and trust me, this can feel like a terrifying experience. In fact, if asking yourself these questions scares you in anyway, it means you’re now venturing into uncharted waters! Feeling fear in new territory is a normal part of being human so don’t run from it. Or run like hell from it but one day, I promise you’ll be back here skirting the edge of the new land wanting to know the answers. If you’re ready to plot your “A” that means you’re ready to start listening to your soul. Your soul is the real you underneath the roles, possessions, status and appearance.

The real you knows your gifts, fears, your desires and your pain that keep you feeling held back. It knows the answers to life’s big questions and will show you exactly where you’re standing, where you want to go and even how to get there. Below I’ve listed four ways you can best hear your soul speaking: “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.” – Epictetus Get into the habit of listening. When you listen, you’re allowing yourself to be a casual observer of your experience. It’s necessary to observe your life the way that it is and then decide whether you like what you’ve created or not. If we are always busy talking, moving and “doing” then we do not have a moment to sit back and actually appreciate (or dislike) what we’re bringing into our reality. Observe how those in your life speak to you, the foods that you crave, your addictions, your everday rituals. After observing, then decide whether you like what you see or not. You don’t have to sit in lotus position atop the Himalayas to meditate successfully. You can start by making daily, timed ritual out of it. Pick your favourite chair, get your favourite blanket out, sit upright and just close your eyes. At first, your mind will tell you everything else you should be doing instead of meditating. It’ll tell you that you aren’t doing it right and anything else it will take to get you to quit. Don’t quit! Allow those thoughts to pass.

They are normal. If it helps, focus on the sound of your breathing. When your timer goes off, go about your day. Mission accomplished. Tomorrow, start the process again. If prayer is talking to the universe, meditation is listening. Get back in touch with your emotions.

They are gifts that let us know how aligned we are to our soul purpose.

They enrich our lives.

They let us know when we have blocks, when we need to heal and when we need to choose differently next time. When the soul expresses happiness, it will make your head feel like it is overflowing, full and expansive. Sometimes, the joy will bring tears to your eyes. THIS is the soul saying, “Keep it up! You’re doing it right!” You are what you eat! Finding your spiritual path is something that requires a strong desire and a will to change. It’s hard to do that when your body and mind is sluggish. What you put inside your mouth everyday gets broken down and becomes a part of your physical body in one way or another. If you are indulging in a diet laden with chemicals, having food that you are intolerant or allergic to, or eating low-quality foods, it’s difficult to have the energy to put forth into making new choices. Crappy foods make you feel tired, lazy and uninspired. Add good quality foods to your diet a little bit at a time and watch how quickly your mood and energy levels improve. When you find your “A,” you acknowledge yourself and your creation and can then decide what you’d like to create next. In other words, if you’re brave enough to look within and listen to your heart, you are rewarded with a heightened ability to manifest your desires. After all, it becomes much easier to get to your destination when you know how close or far away you are from it. Do you ever feel like you’re looking everywhere for the answers? Do you feel anxious and uncertain when you think about what you’re meant to do in this world? Do you wish someone could teach you HOW to discover your soul purpose for yourself? I’ve helped over 2.5 million spiritual seekers develop their intuition and discover their soul purpose. If you’re interested in getting FREE spiritual seeker content and weekly angel readings delivered straight to your inbox, click here. Thanks for reading! .

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