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How To Maximize Human Potential Through Full Systems Thinking

How To Maximize Human Potential Through Full Systems Thinking

Having been to countless events, conferences, and talks over the years I can quite truthfully say that most of the value has not been on the stage at these events but more so in the crowd of people I got to meet while attending them.

The problem with many events and the people who attend them is that they tend to always “silo” within a particular mindset and frame of mind and the only way for us to approach the problems humanity is facing is by factoring Full Systems Thinking into the equation. In a properly functioning ecosystem no one entity is responsible for the survival and flourishing of the entire system, and so the same can be said of human scale issues. We are an integrated part of nature and no one topic or industry controls the entire economy; in fact, our potential is completely dependent on all systems stacking together. We are at a crossroads in history in which we need to take a multidisciplinary approach to fixing complex issues or else we stand to collapse despite our huge strides in innovation in each siloed field of study. We also live in a time with a lot of finger pointing and where the problems get way more attention than solutions, but recently I sat down with a friend who shared a beautiful piece of wisdom with me... This friend, who also happens to be the co-founder of an event that helps break this silo effect, called Voice Exit, which will be held in Austin this November, gives me hope that these events are changing. You see, at Collective Evolution and in the world of conscious social media networks, we too have been going through some major changes.

The game of staying relevant for your attentions has turned into just that: a game, and well, gathering people in person or to rally around solutions has become significantly tougher. Hence our campaign to create a positive news network. Networks must continuously compete to find ways to stay relevant.

They must gather likeminded people just like yourself to participate not only in staying informed, sharing powerful news and inspiring content, but most importantly, but also in coming together to truly create change by tackling a multitude of topics... Events or festivals allow many of us like-minded people to meet and know we are not alone! They create the space we need to share ideas and courses of action to truly set them into motion and create new organizations that begin to take on the world’s biggest challenges. We are seeing a massive shift from traditional education of teaching one to obey and be gifted a job at the end of college to building our own job titles while pursuing our bliss. If you are lucky enough to go down this path, like I have, I can guarantee you won’t regret it.

The first place to start with when flourishing in your personal and professional life is to surround yourself with those wanting to do the same and those who have already walked down the path. This is why I believe Voice Exit to be so powerful and why I teach at Superhero Academy. This conference creates that environment and is a perfect example of Buckminster Fuller’s famous quote in action: Want to learn more about who will be leading Voice Exit? Check out this podcast recording with one of the event’s co-founders, Seth Blaustein. For tickets to the event, click here. .

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