How To Meditate In 30 Minutes: A Super-Straightforward Tutorial

By now I’m sure most of you have heard of the amazing benefits that can be obtained through the daily practice of meditation, these benefits can include: reduced stress, mental clarity, insight, increased sense of intuition, reduced anxiety levels, calmness, peace and so on. In fact many of the top CEO’s incorporate meditation into their daily routine and many believe that it has directly contributed to their success. Some of you may be thinking, I would love to find the time to meditate daily, but as the Zen proverb states: “You should sit in meditation everyday for 20 minutes every day – unless you’re too busy.
Then you should sit for an hour.” In other words, those who are the most busy and stressed in their daily lives, have the most to gain through meditation. In all seriousness, you don’t need an hour; you can achieve some amazing results from devoting just 15 minutes a day to this mindful practice. If you’re at all like me you have struggled with meditation in the past or continue struggling with it today. Meditation can seem like a very daunting task, especially when you hear about all of the amazing things that other people have obtained. People claim to have had huge epiphanies about their lives, vibrating pineal glands, astral trips through space – you name it – someone has experienced it. This can be very intimidating to someone who is just starting out. There are many common misconceptions about meditation. One of them is that you need to eliminate all thoughts from your head, and if a thought does come up, you are doing it incorrectly. This can lead to a very stressful practice –trust me. In a recently released eBook entitled: “How To Meditate In 30 Minutes: A Clear Guide For A Clear Mind” written by a friend of mine, Ilan Bendelman, he goes into this notion a lot deeper and actually dispels this myth, along with some other assumptions many people have. This eBook is a short and sweet 10 pages, and is sure to assist anyone who has been having trouble meditating, or has been looking to get started. It can even be a great refresher for those who already partake in this wonderful practice. This is an extremely simple, straightforward guide to meditation.
The best part about this is that it’s currently available for only $2.99 on amazon! It was actually the number one downloaded free eBook on amazon a few weeks ago when it was released for free for a limited time only. How amazing is that? That sure says something about the human race, and our increased desire to find peace and happiness in our daily lives. For International downloads click here, for Canadian downloads click here for your own copy of “How To Meditate In 30 Minutes: A Clear Guide For A Clear Mind” and get started on your path to peace today! (*Please note, I am not making any sort of commission from sales of this book, I am merely helping a friends out with promotion, and I did find this ebook very helpful!) Much Love .
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