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How To Stay Spiritual & Keep The Job You Love (3 Helpful Strategies)

For a long time now, I’ve had no pre-conceived notions about the difficulty of meeting those that could benefit from healing sessions or teachings.

How To Stay Spiritual & Keep The Job You Love (3 Helpful Strategies)

Being a firm believer in the law of abundance, through personal experience I’ve come to trust that as long as the intention is clear-hearted the people who are ready and willing to learn or be healed will show up. Last week, while preparing to teach a new class of students, a fellow co-teacher approached me with some of their worries, expressing things like, “It’s so difficult to generate students,” and “I already have a full time job, how can I ever practice what I really love?” How many of us who’ve taken a healing course or attended a seminar or a spiritual retreat came out feeling like they’re ready to resign tomorrow and turn healing into their main job? Plenty. How many of us actually turn out doing it? A few. This article presents 3 support strategies aimed at helping you keep the initial excitement and your job.

The word Dharma comes from Sanksrit, the oldest language in the world, which originated in ancient India. Dharma came from the root – dhar, which means to support, nourish, and uphold. So Dharma is often translated as that which supports life. Dharma is the understanding of appropriate action for any circumstance, in other words it means “to act in accordance to one’s duty.” People who accept the duty of a particular role they occupy at the moment and perform their duties to the very best of their ability – are following their Dharma. Whatever your current occupation is, be totally convinced that you will do well if you can properly identify the Dharma for that job. A bed, to be useful, must understand its Dharma and be willing to let people sleep in it. A ruler is only useful when it carries out the Dharma of a measuring device. If the bed refuses to let people sleep in it and a ruler refuses to measure, they are useless. When a product engineer is hired to create new products but insists on sharing his “wisdom” in accounting with the company controller, he is not going to last long in that company. If you feel unsure of how to resolve a situation or an argument, or simply need to fine-tune your speech before a negotiations meeting, ask yourself: “What is my Dharma at this moment?” A friend of mine works in real estate. She is hard-working and always performs her duties diligently and fairly, but as it sometimes happens in this business, she went through a dry period. She spent three months looking for new tenants to fill vacant properties on her list: lots of cold calls, confirmed but no show meetings. All she got were rejections. She was so depressed that she decided to take some time off to spend with her family on a mini staycation. Once she was away from the industry, she quickly relaxed and started to enjoy herself. While swimming in the sea one day, she was approached by a couple who were looking to invest but needed help getting to know local projects. After all her hard work and where and when she least expected it, she met new leads that lead to profitable deals. Next time you face blocks or things don’t turn out as you’d hoped, just think to yourself: “Can this be a blessing in disguise?” Then thank the Universe for giving you the wisdom to overcome your internal blocks and opening new opportunity doors. To discover the right action at any given moment in your life is not an easy task. One of my favorite inspirational speakers, Dr. Wayne Dyer, uses an example of taking “wrong streets” twice, thrice, or sometime more times to learn the same lesson. Remember that Dharma is the natural law that guides the rightness of our actions. So when a project or a relationship is not working out, ask yourself: (1) Is this situation under my control? (2) Can I do anything to change it? (3) If the answer was a “no” to both, walk away or leave the situation alone, things do work out if you let them. By pursuing Dharma, our life will unfold naturally and thus produce the proper fruit at each given stage of our life. By living under the grace and guidance of Dharma, life itself becomes the eternal wish-fulfilling tree. ————————————- Inspired by in memory of Ms Chin-Ning Chu, a fantastic Asian strategist, speaker and trainer. .

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