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How To Survive A 10-Day Water Fast Without Losing Your Mind

One of the easiest ways to lose pace of your ten-day water fast is not being prepared for it.

How To Survive A 10-Day Water Fast Without Losing Your Mind

Luckily, this article can serve as a guide to avoiding failing at this challenge and creating a better environment for the fast. A water fast is a serious lifestyle change that offers significant benefits to your physical and mental well-being. With these fasting survival tips, you can ease into the fast without delay or regret, offering a more enjoyable experience overall. Before we jump in here, remember, fasting can bring up an incredible amount of emotion that often gets covered up with our daily habits and with FOOD! You now can’t hid or cover up those emotions with food, take time to process them, write them out and focus on what’s coming forth. It’s a great chance for transformation.

The better prepared you are for your ten-day water fast, the more comfortable you will be for it. On the second to third day of the challenge, get rid of any processed foods you eat regularly, along with white flour, sugar, and caffeinated foods. This will only make the transition to your water diet easier and better for your body. Next, you want to follow this transition with a new diet of fresh veggies and fruit. This will help reduce any nausea and headaches that come with the cleanse. If you are unprepared and start having problematic side effects, don’t worry about eating small pieces of fruit.

The worst thing you can do is have triggers that can tempt you to indulge poor eating habits again. Instead, work on removing these triggers from your sight and reach, such as a cookie jar, and put a fruit bowl in its place. When it’s not the time to eat, you can even try taping your fridge door shut to prevent the temptation of overeating.

The ten-day water fast requires serious commitment to work. Although some people find it an easy challenge to complete, most struggle with it. It’s no doubt, however, that most of us are the second type of person. Trust us, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it does pose a handful of problems. Struggling during your water fast can cause you to totally give up and give into your overbearing unhealthy habits. During the ten-day water fast, the first day is always the worst. You may experience serious stomach pains, but they eventually subside. Additionally, you may also start missing the experience of chewing; however, mimicking the action to feed into the addiction can offer a great deal of comfort. Every person reacts differently to the ten-day water fast. Just remember the reason you’re doing it and stick with it. It will be over before you know it, and well worth the struggle. It’s important that you take work off the days of your water fast. However, if you work in an environment that is supportive, it’s entirely up to you to work or not. If you work in a particularly strict and demanding environment, you’ll need to find sanctuary in a more supportive environment such as your home. You will feel more vulnerable during your fast, and the last thing you want is for coworkers or ordinary people to attack you and cause you to give up. However, if do you have to work during the fast, set aside at least three to five days to separate yourself from public eating. Even if you work from home, it’s best to dedicate a few days rather than a full week to your water fast and separate yourself from eating altogether. For those who cannot take time off from work, using a supplement is a great option.

There are certain supplements, such as Provigil, that can help your to suppress any hunger or urge to eat and help you to stay awake and alert while working. Having some sort of support while you complete your water fast can be extremely helpful to complete it yourself. If you have friends and family you often see, tell them about the fast and have them send you supporting messages each day of the challenge to motivate you. Plus, it’s wise to have a few of them keep you in check to prevent dipping back into any poor eating habits. If you don’t have any friends or family available, you can always find comfort on the internet. Talking about your water fast on Twitter, Facebook, or forums can help you find other people who may be doing the fast themselves or simply people to help motivate you toward completing the fast. While you are fasting, you may be surprised by how much free time you now have. That time that you used to spend grocery shopping, cooking, eating, and cleaning dishes can now be dedicated to other things. You may also notice that you are not quite as tired as you used to be. Since your body does not have to spend energy on digestion, you now have a lot of free energy, too. To prevent yourself from becoming bored, it is best to plan some activities ahead of time in order to fill your time. You should also make sure that you have everything you need on hand in your home, especially because you may not be able to drive safely during the first few days of your fast. Here are a few ideas for what you can do to occupy your time.

There are so many relaxing and non-stressful activities that you can do to keep your mind off your fast. With this simple how-to guide, you can easily prepare for and survive your ten-day water fast. Do you have any tips to help people with their fast? Let us know in the comments below! .

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