How To Unlock Your Pelvic Floor Muscles & Use Them To Help You Orgasm
I’ve been on a quest to become more connected with my body and feminine energy in the hopes that I will reach that never-ending well of self love.

I decided that if it were true, that my body is my temple, then I wanted to be sure that I was tending to its upkeep in the best way possible. Before allowing any individual to cloud my judgement when it came to expressing myself via emotions or actions, I wanted to make sure I was fully grounded in who I am physically, mentally, and sexually.
The latter is hardly self explored. Naturally, I became interested in exploring the Yoni Egg.
These heavy stones play a crucial role in helping women to better align themselves with their sexual organs and energy. Yoni means sacred space or sacred womb in Sanskrit, which seemed a perfect aid for my journey to Self Love. You can play around with the type of stone you’d prefer, as there are many options available, and we’ve even written about the Jade Egg, but to maintain the theme of Self Love, I opted for Rose Quartz. Rose quartz is said to be the stone of universal love and encourages trust and harmony with relationships, as well as reinforcing unconditional love. It helps to purify the heart and protects against negativity. It even helps to invoke self trust and self worth, which I believe are key in loving ourselves. So what muscle does this Yoni Egg help to activate? Your pelvic floor, of course! The pelvic floor muscles exist in both men and women and are located between our legs.
They run from the pubic bone to the base of the spine at the back.
They are shaped like a sling to hold our pelvic organs, like the uterus, vagina, bowel, and bladder, in place. Physiotherapist Julia Di Paolo encourages women to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist because they can help “ensure the integrity of your muscles remain during pregnancy” and she also suggests exercises to perform during pregnancy that will help your muscles and can aid recovery postpartum where a diastasis is present. In her article “5 Reasons to See a Pelvic Floor Therapist,” Julia urges the importance of prevention, and says that while practicing kegels is great, many women don’t practice them enough or are doing them wrong, which can actually make an existing condition worse. Here’s how to do kegels the right way: Each rep should last 10 seconds ideally, but that’s not easy right off the bat. Begin with at least four or five reps of two-second holds, two or three times a day, and increase your hold time week by week. Yes. As sexual health expert Jennifer R. Berman, M.D, explains, “Increasing pelvic floor strength helps you get a better grip around his penis, which increases surface contact between your vagina and his unit. And it can enhance sensation, since those strong muscles become engorged with blood, which brings nerves closer to the surface.” Not only does improving your pelvic floor increase sexual pleasure for you and your partner, but it also increases the intensity of an orgasm through masturbation. Niki McGloster described her experience after only four days of working her kegels consistently: By day four, my lift strength score had shot up to 56 percent, and I was ready to test the theory that a stronger vag makes for a better orgasm. I’m a masturbation enthusiast, so let’s just say I was happy to be hands-on for this experience. Instantly, I knew this particular climax felt different. I was more sensitive and felt a stronger tightening down below. When you are more in tune with your body, your sexual energy, and your feminine self, and are actively working toward bettering that connection, you will inevitably create more opportunity for yourself to reach a heightened orgasm. Practicing with a yoni egg helps to create this amazing pathway of connection with you and your vagina. You can overcome past traumas just by being present and active in your practice of self love. “Lots of ‘stuff’ has happened to me and this body; rape, abuse, sexual violence, five amazing natural births. What I am finding with my egg practice is connection. “Connection and uncovering of deep truth, it has stirred up and uncovered ‘stuff’ that was stored and hidden; sadness, fear, shame and guilt. I am unlocking this stuff and moving it, shifting it from the places it’s been stored and freeing up the spaces for new growth and potential.” – Mikayla I would recommend making this a weekly ritual for you and your body. This is a sacred time for you, and while there are many physical benefits, you will experience an emotional spike in how you care for yourself. Below is information about how to take care of your yoni from Native You and suggested ways for practicing and using your yoni. Before Now that you’ve got your yoni egg, it is important that you clean your egg before use. You do this simply by washing the egg with a mild organic soap.
Then boil some water. Remove the pan from the heat and let the water cool for 4 minutes. (warning! Egg may crack if placed in boiling water) Now place the egg into the warm water. Let the egg rest there for 10-15 minutes for sterilization.
Then lift out the egg gently with a spoon and allow the to egg cool before use. We recommend To work on a more spiritual level with your yoni egg we recommend the following. The yoni eggs are made of crystal. Crystals carry a powerful vibration and energy and can pick up and capture our intentions and prayers. Crystals is therefore a great tool for you to work with on that you wish to heal on a deeper level. Suggestion on how Sit somewhere you will not be disturbed and hold your egg in your hands. Focus all your energy into your egg and fill it with the intentions you have for your practice together with your egg. It may be, for example: – More love for yourself – Heal yourself from within. – Awaken your feminine power. Take your time and feel what is right for you. It’s different for everyone. About yoni eggs – How to insert the egg It is important that you are in a relaxed and allowing state when you insert your yoni egg. Start by warming the egg by holding it against your vagina. Put the largest end to the vagina and the smallest end directed away from the body. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to become one with the yoni egg. Let go and trust in its power. Place your egg against the opening of the yoni and let the egg slowly find its way inward. Don’t force it just allow it. When the egg is inside the vagina take another deep breath and relax. Feel its position and energy and just breath with it. You can, when you feel ready, start to experiment with your pelvic muscles. Contract the muscles to pull upward in the vagina canal. Relax the muscles to bring the egg down. Allow your breath to follow. Inhale when you contract the muscles and breath out when you relax them. This is a good first exercise. If you have ever used a yoni egg or know someone who has, please share your experience below! Related CE Article: Why Do Orgasms Feel So Good? Neuroscientist Explains That We Reach An Altered State of Consciousness .
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