How We Can Deal With The ‘Chaos’ Of Elite Pedophilia, ET Disclosure, & Other Big Truths (QA)
At the moment, many truths are rising to the surface of our society that is bringing up a multitude of emotions.

In this weekly Q&A, we discuss how we can effectively handle and move through learning these truths on a collective scale. Are you taking the time to truly understand and process what is rising to the surface of ourselves as we learn about what is happening in our world? Are we dismissing this as negative and ignoring the opportunity to grow? This week the question that came up was about how we deal with many of the big truths or revelations that are collectively coming to the surface in our society. Things like corruption, the cabal, elite pedophilia, ET disclosure, sexual abuse and so forth. It also seems like each day we are learning more truths related to these topics, and they are also becoming hard for us to ignore and continue to pretend they are just ‘negative’ things to discuss. So the question of “how do we deal with the internal and collective ‘chaos’ that sometimes comes as a result of learning these truths” becomes a big one. For some, fear arises. For others, anger, despair, worry, and confusion. In some ways, on social media we see huge wars taking place surrounding these topics, and through the mainstream media, societal divides are being fuelled. But I have also seen that for some, including myself, learning these things can create feelings of relief, understanding and freedom as we realize we were not crazy in what we thought and felt about what really goes on in our world. We may realize that life actually makes more sense when you begin to understand how our world truly works. It’s an important discussion to explore how we can TRULY handle, individually and collectively, the truths that are coming forth and not end up at each other’s throats, but instead be able to truly process this stuff maturely – something that seems difficult at the moment, but not impossible. In the video below, we have that discussion. 03:03 How We Deal With The ‘Chaos’ Support Collective Evolution here: If you have any questions for future videos, email us at Links/Sources: Collective Consciousness Video: Sign Up to Email: Video hosted by: Joe Martino, founder of Collective Evolution. IG: .
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