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Human Rights Watch Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Singapore

Introduction Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Assembly Criminal Justice Migrant Rights Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Acceptance of International Norms [1] Recommendation 166.58.

Human Rights Watch Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Singapore

All paragraph cites are to United Nations General Assembly, Human Rights Council, Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Singapore, A/HRC/32/7, (April 2016). [2] Recommendation 166.59 [3] Recommendations 166.89 and 166.202 [4] Human Rights Watch, “Kill the Chickens to Scare the Monkeys,” report, Dec. 12, 2017, [5] See Human Rights Watch, “Reject Sweeping ‘Fake News’Bill, news release, April 3, 2019, [6] Using exchange rate .728, the average over the reporting period. [7] Human Rights Watch, “Singapore: Drop Charges for Criticizing the Judiciary,” news release, May 16, 2018, [8] Human Rights Watch, “Singapore: Quash Prominent Activist’s Conviction,” Aug. 26, 2020, [9] Human Rights Watch, “Joint Statement on the Sentencing of Human Rights Defender Jolovan Wham,” Feb. 22, 2019, [10] Recommendations 166.156-166.168. [11] [12] Recommendations 166.169-166.172. [13] Recommendations 166.94, 166.79, 166.137. [14] [15] Recommendations 166.68-166.77..

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