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If You Had $84,600 To Spend Everyday, What Would You Do With It?

So many of us are dreaming of a day where we will wake up with an abundance to spend rather than an earning to live.Elvis de Leon has realized that abundance truly exists within all of us..

If You Had $84,600 To Spend Everyday, What Would You Do With It?

The following video gives us something to think about, directed and edited by John X. Carey, the infamous director behind the ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches,’ Harlem Elvis is a short yet profound piece more than worth watching and sharing. Check it out: In a world driven by money, we far too often forget to realize the resource that we all are blessed with an abundance of everyday...time.

There are 86,400 seconds in everyday that we live, 86,400 seconds to do, create and be a part of the human experience. In ‘Harlem Elvis,’ Elvis de Leon reminds us of this resource and uses his own afore-inspired awakening to motivate us all. “Take every day and every moment and make something of it. Make something positive.” Now that you are reminded of how much you have available to you, and how there is no value or option to store it, how are you going to choose to spend it? This is the question we all need to ask ourselves, and I am personally grateful to both Elvis and those behind this video for the grounded reminder. If not now, when? .

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