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If You Think Eating A Plant-Based Diet Is Eating Salad & Broccoli All Day Then Read This

It’s a question I’ve heard a million times.

If You Think Eating A Plant-Based Diet Is Eating Salad & Broccoli All Day Then Read This

It has been posed to me over, and over (and over) again: “So if you don’t eat animals, what do you eat? Broccoli? Salad?” Well yeah, I do enjoy broccoli and salad from time to time, but I also eat plenty of other things.

The options on a plant-based diet are literally endless and, I would argue, far more numerous and diverse than those of the typical omnivorous diet. And if you’re wondering what a plant-based diet is, I will explain. It is a diet consisting of foods derived primarily from plants; it either restricts the use of animal products or uses them in sparse moderation, and it completely exempts processed and packaged foods. Another name for a plant-based diet is a whole foods diet, and generally people who follow these diets try to stick to organic foods to ensure they are getting maximum nutrition and avoiding exposure to pesticides. If you are someone who is aware of how most conventional food is produced and no longer want to support it, but you are worried about having to sacrifice great taste, variety, and satiety, I encourage you to put that doubt and worry aside and give it a shot! You’ll be pleasantly surprised with just how many truly amazing meals can be achieved whilst eating primarily plants. What do you eat on a whole-food, plant-based diet? Some food porn for Friday—here’s what a whole-food, plant-based diet actually looks like. Recipes here: Posted by FORKS OVER KNIVES on Friday, April 8, 2016 There are countless reasons why you may want to consider adopting this diet.

The main 3 categories include: health, environment, and animal rights. Countless studies have been conducted which clearly demonstrate that if the majority of the calories you are consuming each day is coming from plant-based foods, your risk of developing disease is significantly smaller. One of the most comprehensive studies ever performed on this subject is “The China Study.” Conducted by Drs. T. Colin Campbell and Thomas Campbell, it found a direct connection between nutrition and heart-disease, diabetes, and cancer, proving that cultures which eat primarily plant-based diets have lower to no instances of these diseases, and that switching to a plant-based diet can reverse diseases already established in the body.

The China Study is recognized as the most complete nutritional study ever conducted on the relationship between diet and disease. I highly recommend watching the documentary Forks Over Knives, (available on Netflix) which delves into this in more detail. Recently a new federal report was issued which outlined the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based or vegan diet and apparently, the meat industry is not too happy about it, with representatives arguing that sustainability shouldn’t be a topic of discussion for the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. A representative from the North American Meat Industry complained: “The same concern would exist if an expert sustainability committee were making nutrition policy recommendations, it is not appropriate for the person designing a better light bulb to be telling Americans how to make a better sandwich.” “Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses.” – Harvard Medical School (source) “Appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.” (Journal of the American Dietetic Association, July 2009) (source) A diet based primarily on factory farmed animals and animal products is absolutely, 100% destroying our environment. Here are some statistics that may shock you. For more information and statistics, check out the documentary Cowspiracy, available on Netflix! Animals are being bred on a massive scale for the sole purpose of consumption. Because demands are high, the animals are subjected to appalling and inhumane living conditions. Cows who are meant to eat grass are being fed corn in order to fatten them up quicker, even though corn lacks the essential nutrients cows need. (Incidentally, products made from corn-fed cows are also less nutritious for humans.) Many cows go their whole lives without so much as stepping a foot onto green grass. Chickens are kept in battery cages where they are pumped full of growth hormones to get them big enough for the consumer in as little time as possible. Pigs are kept in gestation crates where they can’t even stand up and turn around until they too will be slaughtered to keep up with the demand for meat and animal products.

These animals are regularly abused, and all for what? To satisfy our taste buds? We don’t need to be eating nearly as many animals and animal products as we are today. And this leads me to my next point... I know a lot of you are thinking, Will this stupid vegan chick quit preaching to me and telling me how to live my life? First I’ll clarify that I am not vegan. I have been vegan before, but it wasn’t the best fit for me. What I am suggesting, rather, is to start cutting back on the amount of animal products you consume and consider adopting a more plant-based diet. This will not only benefit you — mind, body and soul — but also our great mother earth and all sentient beings on it.

There is a term called reducetarian which explains this idea perfectly. If you don’t know where to begin, check out Meatless Mondays and start by pledging to have one meat free day a week. This will get the ball rolling and force you to explore some new options. Also for some very simple plant-based meal ideas, check out the following: 16 One Pot Dinners If You Are Considering Cutting Animals Out OF Your Diet. Really, what have you got to lose? Who’s willing to give this a try and make a change? Much Love Image credit: OhSheGlows Check out Anegla’s site for great recipes and resources. .

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