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Indoor Gardening Made Easy: The Nutritower!

I’ve always dreamed of having my own indoor garden so that I can be self-sufficient during winter, but I live in a tiny apartment and have no room for a hydroponic system...

Indoor Gardening Made Easy: The Nutritower!

Or so I thought! Thanks to the NutriTower, this dream of mine is now possible! The NutriTower is a vertical hydroponic system specifically designed for indoor use. It is the first system to use the patent-pending vertical lighting design. This technology allows you to grow more food than ever before without taking up valuable floor space! In just under 2 square feet of floor space, with up to 48 pots, it’s the most efficient method of growing food on the market. The NutriTower is a vertical hydroponic system that is simple, elegant and efficient.

The patent-pending vertical lighting design and the gravity fed nutrient delivery system make this the most effective way of growing food in your home year round.

The NutriTower is designed to be flexible to its users needs. You can customize your systems to be more oriented toward leafy greens or fruits and vegetables or a mix! Because it is a hydroponic system, there is no messy soil to deal with. My friends from the Valhalla Movement who have personally seen and interacted with the system have loved it so much they will use it in their own greenhouse inspired earthship! If you are still not convinced why this system is awesome, click here to learn 8 reasons why the food revolution might happen in your kitchen! The therapeutic benefits of having living plants around you has been proven again and again. Not only will you have fresh organic food, you will be saving the world from food miles (distance food travels from producer to consumer). With this new addition to your home you will be sure to have some interesting conversations as friends visit to see 5 (or more) different veggies growing in your kitchen! .

Read the full article at the original website


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