Is Synchronicity A Glimpse Into The 4th Dimension?
The idea of dimensions was first spoken about in the mid 1700s by Joseph-Louis Lagrange, it was later a part of Einstein's various theories.

Are we limited to what we experience dimensionally based on where we are dimensionally? Are we not able to easily see or interact with 4th dimensional beings due to our existence in the third? Currently, the world is going through a transition. This could either be the effect of the current communication revolution or be the cause of the current communication revolution, depending on how you view things. To define the communication revolution, I am speaking about the way we have rapidly changed our means of communication through smart devices and social media. This phenomena seems old, but has actually only been around for less than a decade, with it really becoming the norm in the last 5 or so years. This has allowed people to communicate in a way that was not previously possible and despite the obvious flaws of smart devices and social media, it has allowed ideas to circulate like never before, and has lowered the degrees of separation between people. The six degrees of separation is a 1929 concept from Frigyes Karinthy that says we have just 6 steps between ourselves and any other living being on the planet. Well, due to the communication revolution, those 6 degrees are probably closer to 2 or 3. If I look to my own social media and network, I have Peruvian Shaman on my friends list and a Tribesman from Gabon in Africa. Many of the people I have collaborated with are in the United States and Canada (I am from the UK) and I have managed with relative ease to communicate with people who would be considered a “celebrity” through a simple Facebook introduction. This is all new and something that did not exist just a few short years ago. I see this as a more scientific and rational reason for what many would describe as a mass spiritual awakening. Many people are being exposed to ideas that were not available before or hidden in small pockets of the world for only a few to see. One of the buzzwords that have been circulating relating to spiritual awakening is “stepping into the 4th dimension” or “4th dimensional beings” and this is something I would like to discuss in this article. The easiest way to visualize the 4th dimension is to start with the lower dimensions and work our way up.
The start is a singular point which cannot be seen with no up, no down, no left and no right.
The first dimension from this singular point is when it stretches out and has 2 ends. What we would call a line. This is the dimension of width.
The second dimension is when you add 4 of these lines together (making a square) so you would have width and height. Then the third dimension is when we give the square depth. This is what we would call a cube. This principle works for any shape, but the square was given as a simple visual representation to imagine. So far all of the dimensions have been describing space, however the fourth steps into the realms of time and an object moving in time. This idea was spoken about in the mid 1700s by Joseph-Louis Lagrange and later worked upon in 1854 by Bernhard Riemann and in 1880 by Charles Howard Hinton. In 1908, Hermann Minkowski presented a paper called Space and Time which became the basis for Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity. I would just like to say that what I am speaking about is not fully comprehensible as it deals with matter outside of our ability to visualize, so you have to work with this knowing that you cannot imagine the concept, but to just try to imagine what it could be like. To give another visual representation- we are 3-dimensional beings, yet we see in 2 dimensions. What I mean by this is things appear to be flat through our eyes as if we move them closer or further away the shape and size changes. If you look at a soccer ball for example it resembles a 2-dimensional shape that changes in size depending upon how close it is to us and the depth of this is seen only due to light. However, if we saw it from a 3-dimensional perspective the size would stay the same and we would be able to see the entire ball simultaneously. So when we start to move into the 4th dimension we are talking about movement of time and time in a spatial sense. This is something we are bound too, however, the 4th dimension is not. To give another visual, imagine a 1st-dimensional being- it would only be able to move left and right. A 2nd dimensional being up, down, left and right. A 3rd dimensional being up, down, left and right, forwards and backwards. This means a 4th-dimensional being would be able to see up, down, left and right, forwards, backwards and every angle simultaneously. In this dimension everything would represent the actual size and as I mentioned earlier this is not necessarily something we can fully visualise. But below is as close as we can get: A 4th-dimensional being is theoretically something living outside of our known laws of time and space.
They would also not be bound to time in the same way we are, meaning time would not be a line with a start and end point, but more like a spiral in which they would be at the center. As an example; a 4th-dimensional being would be able to see both sides of a wall simultaneously, and would be able to move through time. Using the logic of us (as 3-dimensional beings) seeing in 2 dimensions, it would make sense that only a 5th-dimensional being would be able to see time as a whole. This could very well explain why a 4th-dimensional being would not be detectable using 3-dimensional means of tracking. For example, if a 3-dimensional being was to step into the first dimension where only width is visible, the 3rd-dimensional being would only be visible in width. Meaning only a slice of that being would appear to the 1st-dimensional being and at certain angles nothing would appear in the 1st dimension. People often say if there were such beings and they were trying to make contact, why would they not have done it. One answer to this is quite simple, maybe they are and we just don’t have the means to understand it. A good example is if a human being tried to communicate with an ant, we could easily make ourselves visible from our understanding of the world, we could even guide the ant or pick it up and force it to go in a specific direction, however that ant may not know that it is some form of life manipulating its movement. Maybe a higher being communicates in a way that we cannot comprehend. An example of this would be changing weather to try to change the way we act. This could be conceived as a clear form of communication that we are not fully understanding. Synchronicity is when a series of 2 or more events have a meaningful relationship with each other, what many would call a coincidence, but a coincidence with meaning.
These events are often recurring, such as seeing the clock at 11:11 every day or seeing the same animal repeatedly. How could this relate? We could argue that we are all actually part of the same organism. Meaning a human body contains cells, these cells could be looked at as separate, however, they are actually part of the human body. If you take this logic and apply it to the planet and the beyond you could view us as just singular cells in a larger organism. Given this logic you could argue that we are the cells of a higher dimensional being, and in the same way we would generally want the best for our bodies and minds, these higher dimensional beings would likely want the same for us. Not being bound to time a synchronicity could simply be a communication from (a version of) ourselves, to ourselves trying to explain what we need to do to move forward. Some of this article is factual, some examples are theoretical explanations that can help visualize the ideas. Much love, Luke. If you would like to download my free eBook- Psychology Meets Spirituality- Secrets To A Supercharged Life You Control YOU CAN DO SO HERE .
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