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Israel Ranks 6th Most Expensive Country in the World for Groceries

Israel ranks sixth in the world in terms of grocery costs, according to a study by which compared food supply costs in 36 countries around the world.

Israel Ranks 6th Most Expensive Country in the World for Groceries

The cost of a standard weekly food shop averages $28.45 per person per week in Israel, more than the U.S., Canada, and Denmark Switzerland is the most expensive country to shop in, with an average cost of groceries reaching $48.16 per week. Turkey, on the other hand, is the cheapest country for food supplies, costing nearly five times less than Switzerland at an average cost of $8.95. Israelis have come out in protest as food prices continue to rise. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel’s consumer price index (CPI) has risen 2.9 percent since 2021. One liter (or just under a quarter of a gallon) of gas now costs $2.09, the highest price for fuel in Israel in the past seven years.

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