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Jackson Lee: BBB Might Have Increased Inflation, But It Invested 'in People, Particularly with Climate Change'

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Rep.

Jackson Lee: BBB Might Have Increased Inflation, But It Invested 'in People, Particularly with Climate Change'

Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) stated that passing the Build Back Better legislation “might have created a slight uptick in inflation.” But the legislation “was going to invest in people, particularly with climate change and others.” Co-host John Roberts said, “Build Back Better, had it passed, would have added $3 trillion to the debt over ten years. It would have put us way back into deficit territory that President Biden is now saying that he reduced, and it was merely by a factor of...a legislative shortcoming, and then the San Francisco Fed itself, Congresswoman, has said that three percentage points of the current inflation is due to all the money that we threw at everything over the last two years.” Jackson Lee responded, “We had to do that. And frankly, the American people, Republicans and Democrats and independents, received those funds, single parents and others desperate[ly] needed those funds. I frankly know that when we had looked at the Build Back Better, it was investing in people and it was going to generate revenue as it might have created a slight uptick in inflation. It was going to invest in people, particularly with climate change and others.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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