James Corbett on Technocratic Control and the Dangers of AI

STORY AT-A-GLANCE In this video, I interview investigative journalist James Corbett about false narratives, the global takeover by technocracy, controlled opposition and the dangers of artificial intelligence, as well as the solutions to these and other challenges.
Corbett's journalism career began in the aftermath of 9/11, when he became “overwhelmed to discover that we are constantly lied to through the mainstream media.” 9/11 was his “red pill” moment, and he hasn't stopped digging for the truth since.
“The discrepancy between the things that I was finding online versus what wasbeing reported on the evening news just started getting wider and wider,”
he says,
“to the point where I felt that ... I had to insert myself in that conversation.So that's the reason we're talking today.”
In 2007, Corbett launched his website, CorbettReport.com . One of his hallmarks, both in his documentaries and regular reports, is impeccable citations of sources.
“I always put up the transcript with the hyperlinks to the source documents forevery single quotation, every video clip, everything that I'm playing,”
he says.
“Iwant to direct people back to the source material so that they can research itfor themselves.I know, as a researcher myself who does this for a living, that's incrediblyvaluable. I very much appreciate it when other people do it, so I'm trying to setthat example in the alternative media.”
Can the Global Takeover Be Derailed?
Corbett is also featured on “ Good Morning CHD ” with Dr. Meryl Nass once a month, an online news show by Children's Health Defense.
“It's a valuable way, for both of us, to continue keeping our eye on the ball of theWorld Health Organization and its latest machinations ... of the globalpandemic treaty and the international health regulations (IHR) amendmentsthat they're working on right now, which really could be the hardwiring of thebiosurveillance infrastructure,”
Corbett says. When asked whether he believes the pandemic treaty and/or the IHR amendments can be stopped, Corbett replies:
“Well, they are planning on unleashing the global pandemic treaty on the worldat the World Health Assembly (WHA) next year, May of 2024. And preparatory tothat, they're going to be holding a World Health Assembly this month, at whichthey'll be talking about the draft of the treaty and the draft of the IHRamendments and other such developments.So, we're looking at about a one-year timeline before whatever it is they'recooking up will be foisted upon the world, unless there is some dramaticmovement to stop that.In the short run, it seems unlikely that the incredible institutional momentum isgoing to be derailed, but having said that, we could look at things that havehappened in the past that have completely derailed agendas that seemedinevitable, including the 2009 edition of the UNFCCC, the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change.In 2009, the UNFCCC was being promoted and hyped — even by the then-president of the EU — as the potential for world government through a newclimate accord that would completely rewrite the international rule books.That was completely derailed by a couple of interesting incidents, one of whichwas Climategate ... Squabbles between some of the developing nations versusthe developed world ... [also] helped to derail that 2009 conference.There's potentially a similar thing happening [now] with the WHO trying to foistregulations and restrictions on developing countries that can't afford them. Aswe saw over the course of the past few years, it was the African countries thatheld out against the biosecurity state agenda, to a large degree.And I think people who are interested in invoking a global biosecuritysurveillance net probably are most concerned about how developing countrieswill or will not participate in this. So, there may be a similar sort of geo-economic squabbling or something else that might derail this, so I don't thinkwe should simply consign ourselves to the inevitability of it before it happens.”
Is Elon Musk Controlled Opposition?
Determining the trustworthiness of people within the alternative news space is a challenge everyone is faced with these days. Accusations of people being controlled opposition are common. The same goes for high-profile individuals in general. For example, some people, including Corbett and investigative journalist Whitney Webb, believe Elon Musk is likely controlled opposition. What led them to that conclusion? “It's a question that a lot of people have, so let's dig into it,” Corbett says. On the one side you have people who believe Musk is exposing and undermining the military industrial intelligence complex. On the other are those who think he's just playing a “good guy” role while surreptitiously furthering Deep State goals. As noted by Corbett, it's hard to overlook the massive support Musk has received from the military industrial intelligence complex over the course of his career.
“We don't have to speculate about that,”
Corbett says.
“That is a matter ofpublic record. We can point to the half a billion dollars or so that theDepartment of Defense has awarded SpaceX in a series of contracts over thepast few years to send satellites up into orbit of classified nature onunregistered, unreported missions that presumably have something to do withthe DOD's declared intention to make space into a war-fighting domain.There's the $3 billion in NASA contracts that SpaceX was awarded in 2021 todevelop the human lander for the Artemis Mission, and the never-going-to-happen constantly delayed moon trip that the public is being promised. There'sthe $750 million that was awarded to Solar City in 2016 by the state of NewYork to build a solar cell production facility.This, again, is another aspect of the business opportunities that Musk isinvolved in that I think shrieks of grift — a boondoggle at the very least,constantly promising a technology that not only doesn't deliver but actually isactively harmful to the environment. I think that's something that needs to bestressed.Then, there's the $1.3 billion that Tesla got from the State of Nevada in 2014 tobuild the Gigafactory, etc., etc., etc. We could go through the list of such help,but perhaps more to the point was the fact that before Elon Musk got to launchSpaceX, he was part of a trip to Russia ... to purchase old Soviet ICBMs
[intercontinental ballistic missiles].
That trip ultimately resulted in the startingof SpaceX.Who was accompanying Elon Musk on that trip? Someone named Mike Grifin,who just happened to be the chief operating oficer of In-Q-Tel, which is theCIA's investment capital arm ...Grifin went on to become the administrator of NASA, who then chose SpaceXas the one company out of the 20 that was applying for it at the time, for this$400 million contract to start development of the new ISS resupply rocket in2005, which basically launched SpaceX ... and again awarded SpaceX $3.5Billion in 2008 with a contract that Musk himself credits with saving thecompany.So, there you go, the literal deep state connections couldn't get much clearer. Atevery stage of Musk's business career, he has been saved as need be with thedeus ex machina of deep state agents like Mike Grifin swooping in with billionsof dollars of contracts at just the right time.”
That's why Elon Musk's Twitter takeover and the release of the Twitter Files may seem to be a move against the military-industrial complex, but given Musk's documentable ties to that very same military-industrial complex, we must be wary of placing faith in these developments. After all, Twitter is a centralized platform that lends itself to censorship, algorithmic manipulation and information suppression, and Musk has openly stated that he wants to create a “WeChat”-like app capable of handling every aspect of its users' digital life.
Why Did Musk Release the Twitter Files?
Corbett suggests that the best way to evaluate Musk's ideas and contributions is to assess their outcomes.
“Is what Elon Musk advocating good or bad? Do we agree with it or do wedisagree with it? Is it right or wrong? And why do we think so? That has to bethe heart that we keep coming back to. So, we have to evaluate Musk's ideas onthat basis,”
he says.
“For example, there are ideas that Musk promotes that I am 100% onboard with.He has talked about the overpopulation myth and the under-population crisisthat humanity is facing. I very much agree with him on that assessment. Whenhe talks about the ill effects of lockdowns ... absolutely, I think he's right aboutthat.However, when he talks about the imposition of a carbon tax in line with BillGates and Mark Carney and the like, I think he's pushing a bad idea that is partof a plan for centralization of control in globalist hands.When he gets on the stage of the World Government Summit and argues foruniversal basic income, again in line with any number of globalist operatives, Ithink he is promoting an idea that will be used for centralization of economiccontrol in fewer hands.When he talks about the ... Neuralink brain chip ... [he's] exactly in line with what[World Economic Forum founder] Klaus Schwab has been arguing ... I think thatis a bad idea that is going to be used for control of the masses by atechnocratic elite.”
As for Musk's acquisition of Twitter and subsequent release of the Twitter Files, Corbett doesn't think it's a great surprise to find that the military industrial intelligence complex has been using it to monitor and manipulate people. He believes Musk's job may well be to make the platform trustworthy again so that government agencies can continue using it for surveillance and control. There's other evidence pointing in this direction as well. Musk has said he wants Twitter to become the WeChat app of America. And what is WeChat? It's a Chinese government- controlled app that monitors every aspect citizens' lives, including their financial transactions, social transactions, communications, whereabouts and more. It's basically the foundation for the communist social credit system. So, while Musk claims to be a defender of free speech, he's also talking about turning Twitter into THE central hub for the technocratic surveillance and control network.
Stop Looking for a Savior
As noted by Corbett, what we need to do is “take responsibility for our own lives rather than looking for saviors like Elon Musk to swoop in and save the day.” We can't lay that burden on any given individual or group of individuals. We must all do our part.
“I think the conversation can get stuck on stupid because even though I tend tobelieve that Musk is some form of collaborator with the deep state that hepretends to oppose, I don't have proof of that and I do not know that for a fact,in the same way that his defenders do not know for a fact that he is not part ofthat controlled opposition,”
Corbett says.
“We can spend all our time and energy talking about this person and what wethink their part is in all of this, or we could spend that time productivelyengaged in research, actually verifying, triangulating information, discerningwhat is true and what is not true.When we take information down to that level, then it does not matter who is theperson out there conveying that information to us. The important part is theinformation.”
It's also important to understand that “divide and conquer” is the primary way the control network maintains control, and all that's needed to divide a previously unified front is insinuation and the seeding of doubt. In the short-term, the globalist takeover seems to have an unstoppable momentum behind it, but seemingly inevitable moves toward tyranny have been derailed at the last minute in the past and we must not give up hope or stop resisting. As explained by Corbett:
“The term cognitive infiltration goes back to Cass Sunstein, the person whobecame Obama's information czar ... He co-wrote a paper about cognitiveinfiltration in which he openly stated:‘The government maybe should send people into conspiracy spaces, conspiracygroups, with cognitive infiltrators who will go in there and conceal their identityas being afiliated with the government, but will try to insert facts that will breakthe narrative of the conspiracy theorists.'And what was the result of that paper? Rather than anyone having beenexposed as being that cognitive infiltrator on the payroll of the U.S. government,what it effectively did was give people ammunition to speculate endlessly.‘This person is a cognitive infiltrator, that person is a cognitive infiltrator,' to thepoint where, ultimately, I think Sunstein wins without even necessarily having toimplement that system at all, because ... the group fractures once the idea ofpointing fingers at everyone becomes the norm ...That is, in fact, precisely how the FBI's COINTELPRO program worked back inthe 1950s and '60s ... One of the tactics they used was to put people intomeetings in various spaces, the Black Panthers and others, in order to startspreading rumors and calling other people government agents.The government agents were generally the ones that we're calling other peoplegovernment agents in order to disrupt the groups, so I think we have to keepthat in mind and keep our eye on the real prize here, which is discerning factfrom fiction, truth from falsity, productive ways forward from unproductive waysforward.”
ChatGPT and the Future of Propaganda
I've often marveled at the effectiveness of modern propaganda. Part of what makes it so effective is the availability of technology, from social media and search engines to large language model artificial intelligence. OpenAI's ChatGPT has taken the world by storm and companies across a range of industries are already talking about replacing large numbers of white collar workers with AI. This, even though there are serious problems with this technology. For example, we're finding chatbots have a tendency to lie and fantasize. Researchers are calling these instances “hallucinations.” Basically, the AI is concocting a fantasy based on the information available and reciting it as fact. And that's in addition to the bias that can be built in by programmers. So, while it's an incredibly exciting technology, we cannot be naïve about its risks. One obvious risk is that state-endorsed propaganda can become the only information available to people, as this technology starts monopolizing online searches and virtual assistants. There won't be a multitude of answers anymore. There will only be one, and he who controls the AI will have the power to control the beliefs of the entire world. Of course, yet another risk is that no one will be able to control it and the AI will control itself. I don't know which might be worse. Corbett comments:
“You introduced this topic with the concept of propaganda and potential uses oflarge language models for propagandistic purposes. We should go back to theman who wrote the book on propaganda called ‘Propaganda,' Edward Bernays,who [said]:‘The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits andopinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Thosewho manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisiblegovernment, which is the true ruling power of our country.'That was Edward Bernays in 1928. His words are as true today as they werethen, perhaps even more so. And the true ruling power of the country, of theworld at this point perhaps, are those who can most effectively, consciously andintelligently manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses.And I don't think enough people have really stopped to cogitate on the fact thatthese large language models already starting to produce material that reallycannot be distinguished from human-written material ...You don't have to be a crystal ball prognosticator to see how this will extend outin the foreseeable future ... [to] the point where you can have entireconversations, entire fields of interest and study that will be completelypopulated by artificial-created conversation ...A large language model that is able to accurately and without much promptingbe able to populate botnets to fiood social media and other places willessentially be able to dominate that conversation, [and] will consciously andintelligently manipulate the habits and opinions of the masses. At that point,you are talking about the ultimate weapon.The ultimate weapon is narrative, because with a convincing-enough narrative,you can get entire populations motivated to war or to anything else that youseek to get them to do, like say lock down the entire productive global economyon the back of a scare that was absolutely not warranted.So, I think once we start getting these completely synthetically-generatednarratives, that will start creating these entire events that are not happening inthe real world. [These events] will be deep-faked through video and audio andeverything else, to convince you of an entire reality that doesn't exist.We are really moving into some truly world historical changing times and I don'tknow if enough people are really cognizant of ... how this technology could beused for good or for ill ...I think there is a real threat, and it is probably underappreciated by a largesection of the public that are not keeping abreast of the daily torrent ofinformation on this subject ... Some of the testing notes for ChatGPT-4 thatwere released showed there was a team that was tasking the chatbot with acertain task that would require it to do things that it was not programmed to do,or even authorized to do, including solving a CAPTCHA ...[The chatbot] actually went on Fiverr or one of those types of platforms andrecruited a human being to do it for it, to the point where the human said, ‘Whyare you recruiting me to do a CAPTCHA? How do I know you're not a bot? Ha-ha-ha.' To which it responded, ‘I'm blind, I'm visually impaired, I can't do itmyself.' Ultimately, it ended up getting that CAPTCHA solved.It does not take a great degree of imagination to see where that can go. I don'tknow what kind of safeguards you can program into a technology like that,other than to completely keep it firewalled off from the internet and from anyother computer system that it may be able to commandeer.”
Solutions Watch
On his website, Corbett has a section called The Solutions Watch , where he proposes action steps that you can take to address a given problem, both big and small. For example, on the smaller scale, he's discussed the importance of filtering your water, and testing your water to ensure it's being filtered properly.
“One thing that I think is sort of the foundation upon which we will have to buildany thoroughgoing answer to the problems we're facing is creating consciouscommunity with others,”
Corbett says.
“Of course, that can take the form of online and virtual community. I'm notgoing to pooh-pooh or disdain that. I think it is important to know like-mindedpeople online. But increasingly, how can we trust what we are reading, seeing orinteracting with online?I think the real point is to try to build real community with real people in the realworld. That could take the form of intentional communities that are createdfrom the ground up as a physical location that people will relocate to ... but Ithink it is extremely dificult to do that.But at the very least, people can and should be finding like-minded peoplewithin their geographical proximity that they can meet up with, who will be therein emergencies, hopefully. But also that they can start forming small groups,that they can start teaching each other about various things that they may knowand bringing solutions to the table.I think that can be the core basis upon which we start erecting other things,because one thing that I've looked at over the years are some of these big, hugeissues that seem utterly overwhelming and completely impenetrable to theaverage person, like the fundamental fraud that underlies the economy itself isthe monetary system, which for people who haven't looked into it, the moneysupply itself is very much controlled, and the creation of money is a tool that isused for enslavement.It could be used for human fiourishing, but is not in our current economy. Howdo we possibly combat a problem as thoroughgoing as that? [Many people] Iencounter online have ideas about the perfect alternative currency ... but [they]haven't convinced anyone to use it. To me, that speaks to the fundamentalproblem.”
Build Community and Get Out of Metropolitan Areas
At the top of Corbett's solutions list is building parallel communities. That's really a foundational strategy because without it, many other solutions can't work. To that, I would add the recommendation to move out of crime-ridden urban and metropolitan areas and into areas where this kind of community-building is more likely to succeed. As noted by Corbett:
“Until you have a community of people who are going to be working together onprojects like an alternative or supplemental currency system, how are you goingto launch something like that in a thoroughgoing manner?I think the core of the solutions that we're looking for lies with community,meeting like-minded people ... I'm not into this Pollyanna thinking that it's allgoing to be easy. It's an incredibly, incredibly dificult task to start creating analternate currency, an alternate power grid and the alternate society that weneed to protect ourselves, to buffer ourselves from this encroaching biosecurity,technocratic enslavement grid.That's a pretty tall order, and I can't offer any assurances that it's going to turnout all right. But I do know that if we just lay down and continue on the coursethat we're on, we are hurtling towards a brick wall of extinction, essentially. Ireally see this as a fundamental existential question that we are facing not juston the artificial intelligence front, but also on the genomic manipulation front,on the manipulation of the food supply.If you are what you eat, then what does it mean that they're going to startfeeding us insects and other such unpalatable items?It is absolutely a war that is taking place on every front, all at once, and we'renot going to get through this by ourselves. Unless you are the type of personthat can go out in the woods and live by yourself for decades ... I don't thinkyou're going to escape this all by yourself, so I think creating community is sortof the core of all solutions.”
More Information
Read the full article at the original website
- https://www.corbettreport.com/
- https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/#chdtv-schedule
- https://www.corbettreport.com/category/solutions/
- https://www.corbettreport.com/
- https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/corbettreport/
- https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0
- https://rumble.com/c/c-1532675
- https://rokfin.com/corbettreport
- https://substack.com/@corbettreport
- https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/#chdtv-schedule
- https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/
- https://theconsciousresistance.com/
- https://iaindavis.substack.com/
- https://off-guardian.org/
- https://mediamonarchy.com/
- http://activistpost.com/
- https://blacklistednews.com/