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Japanese Artist Draws Intense Feelings Everyone Has Felt But Couldn’t Describe

We are living in a world where we have given up our power to outside circumstances..

Japanese Artist Draws Intense Feelings Everyone Has Felt But Couldn’t Describe

These drawings help us visually reflect on how we feel and ignite the need for a change in our society. How do these drawings make you feel? What can you do to truly ignite your power within yourself? How much of what we complain about in our world is truly just us blaming outside sources? How can you begin to change within? Do you feel that? That feeling within that it’s time for a change? I’m not just talking about small adjustments in your life, really feel it... isn’t it time for humanity to shift? To step into a world where we can truly thrive? The human story, as we know it today, has been going on in a somewhat repetitive circle for a very long time. We have been doing the same thing over and over again for decades now. Sure things have evolved in some senses, but deep down, we know it’s time to be truly empowered and truly free. It’s no secret that in our society today we are faced with many challenges that are long overdue for change. In fact, humanity is being challenged a great deal to face those changes... right now. It’s part of an overall shift in consciousness sweeping its way across our world. Although much of the change that is coming is showing up in the form of people wanting to blame someone or something else, this change truly comes down to us. I explain more in the video below. The following drawings by Avogado6 offer an opportunity to reflect on what our society has become and how we have chosen, as individuals, to live within it and give up our power. When it comes to our society, did someone do this to us and we can’t get out of it? Partly true, yes there has been a cabal pulling strings and making our world the way it is, but we have power as people to change, shift our consciousness and evolve beyond the need for their role. That is OUR choice, but we must act on changing within and not blaming outside of ourselves. Through acting on this, you change yourself, from a peaceful non judgmental or damning way, you inspire others to do the same. It’s one thing to simply look at these images and be amused, it’s another to begin acting on what they represent. We choose to act. Change Starts Within. All being pushed to move to the same ‘tune’... The peer pressure of ‘the party life’ that most of us truly don’t enjoy... Fitting into societies many moulds... We destroy one another... Parents wanting the perfect child... When you feel completely stuck and feel there is no where to go... Your energy being used for too many things... Time can be something we become trapped by... When we have to put our pieces back together... When you make it so you are fuelling everyone else before yourself... Sometimes you have to let some things go before the next experience or relationship opens up... Trying to preserve our past or childhood, when in some cases we have to let go... Trying to lure or manipulate youth, when intentions are not pure... How much our, or others, negativity can cloud an area... In our society as is, we simply fuel the machine... Hopelessly addicted to coffee... When our ego is hammering away on us... When you feel completely drained... .

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