Jeff Bezos demonises farming and invests £1 billion in fake food production

At the Aspen Ideas Climate, Bezos Earth Fund vice chair Lauren Sánchez announced an initial $60 million commitment to establish Bezos Centres for Sustainable Protein as part of the Bezos Earth Fund’s $1 billion commitment to food transformation.
The food transformation Sánchez dreams of is “plant-based lab-grown meats.” For anyone who has any logic or common sense, no such food exists nor can it ever.
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The Aspen Ideas Climate conference was held in Miami, Florida over the three days of 11-13 March 2024. It had five themes:
- Big Bets on Tech: Charting the course for sustainable technologies of the future which included climate technology, biotechnology, lab-cultured “food,” artificial intelligence, geoengineering and new ideas for creating and storing energy.
- Building things: Such as urban landscapes, infrastructure and “reimagined” economies that lead to a “sustainable and inclusive future.”
- Financing the Future: A seismic shift in financial strategies, from billions to trillions globally, is required to address the “climate crisis,” so they claim.
- Healthy Planet, Healthy Community.
- Narratives of Change: “From the resonance of music to the subtleties of architecture, from stirring art to imaginative fiction, profound calls to action are often hidden in the unexpected. Experience the captivating stories that inspire change from some of the most unanticipated sources.” Which has undertones of using psychological techniques to bring about the desired change.
(Related: Turn off the TV – Neuro-linguistic programming has been used against populations in many countries and the UK could be in the driver’s seat and Priming, predictive programming and Hollywood)
According to her biography, Sánchez is dedicated to fighting climate change and the protection of nature, as well as early childhood education, programming, and housing support. So, it’s no surprise that she began her 10-minute speech on 12 March at the Aspen Ideas Climate with three stories: two fictional – one relating to her recent book for children – and the third about her thoughts as a child, which may or may not also be fictional.
Stripping away her storytelling, Sánchez’s message was centred around innovation in three areas: deforestation and global warming,
“Deforestation and global warming … it’s not just about solving a problem it’s also about reimagining our interaction with the world. We need to invent our way out of climate change,” she said.
And then she reverted to her storytelling again: “Inventors love to solve real problems and the answer usually begins with a question. So, for example, how do you find and measure the thousands of methane leaks happening all over the world? I don’t know if you know this, but think about it, methane has caused 30% of global warming. So, how are we going to fix it? This is how; we’re going to start right here with MethaneSat.”
“It’s a game-changing satellite we support with the Environmental Defence Fund,” she said. “Now, before MethaneSat launched into orbit, just last week, … we weren’t able to see the big picture of where and how bad the methane leaks are … we now have innovative technology which we can see and measure leaks like never before.”
It is claimed that data gathered by MethaneSAT – which was launched into orbit on 4 March 2024 – will help measure methane pollution from oil and gas facilities worldwide. It will regularly monitor roughly 50 major regions accounting for more than 80 per cent of global oil and gas production. The Environmental Defence Fund claims it can “measure surface-level methane emissions from other major sources of human-caused methane emissions, too.”
Call us sceptical, but could it be a spying operation under the guise of measuring methane?
She then moved on to tackling her solution for nature. Surprisingly, she made a sensible suggestion, which is unusual among the climate change fantasist sect. Her suggestion wasn’t a new technology born from “brilliant minds” but common sense – plant more trees. Although she ended her praise of the Bezos Earth Fund planting more trees with “we like to co-invent, this takes creativity and flexibility,” indicating she believes that planting trees, which to most of us is common sense, is a new and innovative invention.
Then she moved on to food “innovations.” Setting the scene using the usual marketing tactic of fear porn, in this case, global famine. Sánchez asked: “How do we feed 10 billion people with healthy, sustainable protein throughout this century?”
“This will need a tonne of innovation,” she said following it with a statement that should make everyone shudder. “We’re investing heavily in [the] livestock sector and inventions that will give consumers meat options that are better for the Earth.”
(Related: We shouldn’t demonise cows for burping and farting; we should be thanking them)
Sánchez continued: “I’m thrilled to announce, and I’m very excited about this one, tonight 60 million dollars to establish Bezos Centres for Sustainable Protein that will help grow these ideas. Their inventions will make plant-based lab-grown meats cheaper, healthier and tastier. And these sustainable proteins really are getting better, trust me.”
No thanks. That’s a “no” to both her laboratory-manufactured fake “food” and “trust me.”
In partnership with the Good Food Institute, the Bezos Centres for Sustainable Protein aim to advance the science and technology in producing fake food. A Bezos Earth Fund press release about Sánchez’s announcement stated: “To date, challenges in biomanufacturing – the production, at scale, of sustainable protein products, whether plant-based, fermented, or cultivated – are resulting in high costs and limited quality. There are also enormous opportunities to enhance the texture and boost flavour through innovation in cell biology and engineering.”
Irrespective of how much money is poured into this technology, it will still be technologically produced fake food with unknown ingredients causing untold harm.
(Related: “Fake Meat” and “Fake Food” on the Exposé)
The press release goes on to state that Sánchez’s announcement “builds on the Bezos Earth Fund’s $1 billion commitment to support farmers and expand food production.”
How does Bezos Earth Fund plan to “support farmers” and increase food production?
“Work includes reducing methane from livestock and innovating in pasture management to help take pressure off forested land. The Earth Fund is also working with inventors, researchers, and entrepreneurs to improve the resilience and carbon absorption of major food crops,” the press release states.
Does it sound like their investment will do either? No, and what the press release said next is proof that they have no intention of supporting farmers or improving food security.
As has become the mantra for those promoting and hoping to capitalise from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Bezos Earth Fund blatantly attacked farmers and food production stating that “food is the second largest cause of climate change, and agriculture is the primary driver of deforestation and biodiversity loss.”
What’s concerning is the $1 billion commitment to “support” farmers and food production is just the start. The Bezos Earth Fund is investing $10 billion in this “decisive” decade to “drive systems-level change” for the transition to a “low-carbon economy.”
Through his fund, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will not only fund scientists but also activists, NGOs and others.
If the science is robust and the need is real, why would Bezos need to fund activists?
“This future is not just a dream, it’s not. It’s a blueprint for a world,” Sánchez said in her speech at the Aspen Ideas Climate. “I’m so proud to work with the Bezos Earth Fund and what they’re doing.”
Sánchez ended her speech as she had begun, hoping to inspire children. Our advice? Don’t let Sánchez anywhere near your children.
You can watch Sánchez speech at the Aspen Ideas Climate below.
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