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Joe Biden Drives Electric Cadillac at Detroit Auto Show: ‘Anyone Want a Ride to Washington?’

President Joe Biden test-drove an electric SUV on Wednesday, joking with bystanders that he willing to give them a ride back to Washington, DC.

Joe Biden Drives Electric Cadillac at Detroit Auto Show: ‘Anyone Want a Ride to Washington?’

The president drove slowly by a group of bystanders in a Cadillac Lyriq electric SUV during his visit to the Detroit Auto Show. “Anyone want a ride to Washington?” he asked. Video of the moment was obtained by Breitbart News. Biden made a similar joke to reporters as he drove by in the same vehicle. “C’mon jump in, I’ll give you a ride to Washington,” he joked. “Is that our Uber?” One of the reporters replied. “It’s an Uber,” Biden joked as he drove by slowly. When asked what he thought of the vehicle, he replied, “I like it, I like it.” “It’s a beautiful car, but I love the Corvette,” he added, referring to a gas-powered Corvette that he sat in during his visit. Biden climbed into the driver’s seat of the Corvette and started the gas engine and sat quietly listening to the rumble of the engine before turning it off. “I tell you what. Tell the head of my Secret Service detail, I’m driving home,” he said. “You want to come with me?”.

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