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Join The World’s Largest Ever Synchronized Meditation – World Water Day!

Water is the most important resource we have on our planet for many reasons.Providing fresh clean water to the entire world should be a mission that engages humanity as a whole, but it’s not.

Join The World’s Largest Ever Synchronized Meditation – World Water Day!

. Why? Why is it that big business and government don’t seem to care to come together and make this available to everyone once and for all? We are certainly capable of it. This is why grassroots movements are so important, as they are the ones that make this stuff happen. Do you #lovewater and want to get involved in World Water Day? First, watch this inspiring 3-minute video about water! Next, Unify, UPLIFT, and the Shift Network are hosting a telecast, a globally synchronized meditation, and a live video webcast from the sacred Ganges River in India. When we gather collectively and work together to set intentions for the good of humanity, we may have the potential to effect far-reaching changes in our world. (In my opinion, it’s certainly worth a shot!) First, the Shift Network Teleseminar runs from 1- 5:30pm Pacific Daylight Time, with live feeds from water blessings around the world and conversations with global thought leaders.

Then at 5:30pm Pacific Daylight Time, UPLIFT’s register here. Global Webcast will be linking up with #LoveWater ceremonies happening on the Ganges in Rishikesh, in Oakland’s Lake Merritt, Los Angeles’ Venice Beach, and at many other locations around the world.

Then at 6:00pm Pacific Daylight Time, Unify will host the Global Moment of Synchronization where everyone around the world is asked to join in for a collective moment of love, meditation and prayer for water. It is hoped that March 22nd at 6pm PST will be the largest synchronized meditation EVER! (Unify has been hosting these synchronized meditations since 2012, in hopes we can effect positive large scale change by setting our intentions and prayers together). Get connected to your community and register at! #LoveWater #Wateris We also launched a campaign to help bring water to various countries around the world. We’ve already got the ball rolling and are looking for you to get involved as well! Check out our campaign! .

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