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JP Sears Profile: Living in the Ultra Spiritual

JP Sears is an internet comedian that rose to worldwide recognition through his humorous videos satirizing spiritual types and the trendiness of spirituality.

JP Sears Profile: Living in the Ultra Spiritual
You want to know what comes between us and our lululimón? Besides our conscious Spanglish, nothing. Just kidding. A coconut, shea, and cacao butter whip that we made with intention, and at home. With his long, red locks, floral headband (fake flowers), purple t-shirt, smart writing, and deadpan delivery, JP Sears quickly became a spiritual sensation. His How to be Ultra Spiritual comedy series has amassed over 300 million views (100% organic and vegan). Beyond his internet, videos, JP Sears is an emotional healing coach and author of How to be Ultra Spiritual. He views humor as a form of alchemy, an agent for the transformation of energy. His mission is “helping people help themselves, and help myself become more connected to myself as well.” As Meryl Streep said, to paraphrase, laughter speaks directly to the heart. JP Sears, since the beginning of an 18-year career, has primarily been interested in the interconnectedness of the heart and psyche. He does not draw a distinction between the “emotional/spiritual realms.“ With so many crises and so many spiritual modalities to save us, JP says tells us to take some adaptogens and work it out on the mat. JP Sears grew up in Bowling Green, Ohio, or as JP calls it, “the middle of nowhere.” Without any means of orienting himself, he was a very cute red-headed child who suffered deep trauma from frequent sunburns. He made it through those rough years and is now deeply grateful for having experienced what he did. If he could go back and do it all over again, he might have insisted on the sunblock, but those burns taught him about the wonders of aloe vera, and how to persevere. At a young age, he was naturally drawn to sports, which is obvious when he takes off his shirt. Athleticism would be his entry point into the world of spirituality. Sort of. In his late teens, he found a mentor in Paul Chek. As a world-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology, stress management and holistic wellness, the way that Paul Chek framed his ideas helped JP understand how “exercise can help people get out of pain.” That ignited him. “He was framing the spiritual talks in a way that were grounded in reality, like how this can actually impact a person’s physiology.” In his early twenties, Chek invited JP Sears to San Diego to continue developing his talents and to work with clients. Living in Southern California for the next ten years gave him a front-row seat to all the conscious communities. “I’d observed the community around me,” JP told Huffington Post, ” the yoga communities, the meditation communities, new age spiritual communities, vegan communities, every kind of health or nutrition philosophy you can think of communities...There was a lot of observance going on that I soaked-in over the course of those years.” Then, at 22, JP connected with John McMullin, the head of the Holistic Coaching Institute. This experience opened him up to the emotional/spiritual connection. With a little divine help along the way, JP found, like Whitney Houston, that the greatest love of all was inside of him.

These ingredients combined, JP became an emotional healing coach, a practice that he still maintains when he isn’t making his videos. When he works one on one with people, he says that vulnerability is his main tool. In his videos, it’s comedy. However, making people laugh is a vulnerable act. He then moved to the east coast “because I got too spiritual for South California, it couldn’t handle me.” All of us on the east coast are grateful. Veganism was actually his idea, one that he had in a previous reincarnation of his existence. It doesn’t matter what form he was in at the time he came up with it because JP also doesn’t draw distinctions between time or space. Even if he did, they would definitely not be linear. We do know he’s so vegan that he doesn’t have a favorite animal. He hates them, actually. Well, it’s complicated, but he’s doing the deep work to resolve the issue within himself. “Gluten is the new animal that you don’t have to eat,” JP says. You don’t really have to be gluten intolerant to go gluten-free. Details. “Being gluten intolerant is a fantastic opportunity for you to assert your dominance on the lives of everyone around you. Which helps improve your life.” The people of Boulder “are so conscious that they are conscientious enough to tell you how conscious they are.” If the cities of the world entered a consciousness contest–Boulder would win.

The superior stock is not what draws JP, however, because he carries his consciousness wherever he goes, which is already on the level ultra. It is the world-class spectacle of Pearl Street that draws JP Sears most of all. “The juggling is mindblowing.” JP enlightened us to the people of Boulder’s favorite pastimes and extracurricular activities.

They spend their time in the community, talking about community, and how to build even more community in coffee shops “with authentic hipster baristas that genuinely don’t care about you.” So much weed is smoked in Boulder that the cannabis oil has permanently attached itself to the air particles. Lastly, there are “a suspicious amount of white people,” JP Sears crosses his arms. He doesn’t even know what to say about that. “There’s a rule you can bank on with bitcoin. What goes up, never comes down.” JP obviously has bitcoin, which means he speaks about it constantly and makes people feel stupid for not having bitcoin. His hands-on experience with bitcoin has given him an additional qualification to add to his already impressive resumé: financial expert and unsolicited financial advisor across his social channels. “Every conversation I have, I’m telling people to buy bitcoin.” He calls it “the veganism of the financial world.” In regards to blockchain, he says, “it’s like a third party that cuts out the other third party.” The only concern JP Sears has about bitcoins are the haters, or as they like to call themselves, “financial experts,” that say “be cautious about it.” They clearly don’t know what they’re talking about. Put all your money into bitcoin, there’s no risk at all. I mean, do we need to state the obvious? If you bought bitcoin three months ago, as JP told you to, you would have tripled your money by now. Just saying...and he’ll say it again. He definitely told you three months ago. “LOL, LMAFO, WTF, OMG, OMFG, OMMFG, OMMFGD.” Sorry, JP the millennial has lost the ability to construct actual sentences. He’s too busy saving the world with his thumbs to have a conversation with real people. He’s never held eye contact ever in his life, anyway, so if you want to know, it might be best to text him to see how he feels about it. Oh, he doesn’t care. Wait, what? He forgot. Does JP “do” yoga? JP Sears is Sanskrit for yoga. His yoga mat is rolled up in its purple bag made with recycled hemp, which he purchased because half the proceeds go towards saving the pandas. In other words, he’s already on tour. He’s coming to Meet Delic August 8-9, 2020 at the Wisdome LA. He will share his wisdom with us all, humbly, and teach us how we can be even more ultra spiritual than we already are. He definitely has a lot to say to the community, about the community, around the community, and within the community. “Spirituality is about unity,” JP says. Time to put the “unity” back in “community.” JP is not about the numbers. He’s about the impact.

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