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Judge Orders The Dakota Access Pipeline To Be Shut Down

On Monday, A U.S.District Court ordered Energy Transfer LP to shut down and empty their pipeline, known as the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Judge Orders The Dakota Access Pipeline To Be Shut Down

. Why do we continue to use outdated and unnecessary means for energy production. Why is our economy an oil based economy when it doesn't have to be? Why do we have solutions that never see the light of day? What Happened: On Monday, A U.S. District Court ordered Energy Transfer LP to shut down and empty their pipeline, known as the Dakota Access Pipeline. It just so happens to be their largest one, and it also represents a big win for Native American’s and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, as well as citizens from all over the world who have fought the line’s route access through a critical water supply. It’s amazing how many years have already passed since there was a mass gathering in North Dakota to stop this pipeline. Corporate America brought in the police to try and disperse the gathering. One night, a small plane spraying unknown substances flew over the gathering at night, I know this because I was there, along with CE founder Joe Martino. There were SWAT teams everywhere. All of this for a peaceful gathering? We spent days covering the story, and all we saw was intimidation, violence, and psychological warfare tactics in order to disperse the crowd so that the company could continue building their pipeline. This always seems to happen to peaceful protestors. Corporate America eventually got what they wanted. Many people were thrown in jail, people were injured, all resulting from a peaceful protest.

The gathering was shut down and the fight to stop the pipeline went to court, during which time the pipeline was in full operation. Bloomberg is reporting that the pipeline must be shut down by August 5th.

The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said a crucial federal permit for Dakota Access fell too far short of National Environmental Policy Act requirements to allow the pipeline to continue operating while regulators conduct a broader analysis the court ordered in a previous decision.

The ruling scraps a critical permit from the Army Corps of Engineers, and requires the pipeline to end its three-year run of delivering oil from North Dakota shale fields to an Illinois oil hub. Judge James E. Boasberg said Dakota Access must shut down the pipeline and empty it of oil by Aug. 5.(source) We will have to wait and see if The Army Corps and Justice Department intends to appeal the decision. This goes to show what we can do when we come together. Despite the fact that it’s taken years, and damage has been done, look what’s happened, it’s been halted once again. That being said, at the time the pipeline was being built and during the period it was moving oil, it was quite clear that citizens around the entire planet were against this. So I ask you, do we live in a democracy? Do citizens really have any influence at all on decision making, or is our consciousness manipulated to accept certain measures, like pipelines, as necessary? Why doesn’t planet Earth come first? Why does it take cutting through so much red ape, and so much time to try and stop such measures? What kind of system have we created for ourselves? One that protects the corporations and punishes the citizenry and mother Earth? We don’t have to accept this.

The coronavirus is another great example of what we are capable of. Despite the fact that we were forced into lockdown by governments, billions of people, together, still collectively did it.

The point is, we can accomplish great things together, as one. Imagine if billions of people around the world decided the world should shut down for one week in order to, clean up our oceans for example. Why don’t our governments do that? We can do anything, we have unlimited potential. We are in a time where we are being asked to wake up, come together, re-imagine our reality, discuss it, explore it, build it and use our potential to create a human experience where everybody can thrive, including mother Earth. And yes, it’s possible, we have the solutions and they’ve been available for years.

The only issue is human consciousness, and the barriers we’ve built that prevent these solutions from manifesting. else.

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