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Julian Assange Appears On Fox News and Destroys The ‘Russian Hack’ Theory

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has continued to make headlines, closing out a strong 2016 with various leaks that would prove to expose much-needed realizations about the U.S.

Julian Assange Appears On Fox News and Destroys The ‘Russian Hack’ Theory

government, among other things. As 2017 unfolds, he is already promising to shock the world with new revelations. Now, Assange is opening up even more, sitting down for an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. He specifically wanted to kill accusations that leaked emails from the Democratic party had been hacked and revealed by Russian government actors. In the interview, Hannity asked: The narrative has begun that, in fact, the U.S. government is accusing Wikileaks of having received materials from Russia and Russia’s cybercriminals with the political agenda of influencing the election. And obviously they’re talking, not just about the John Podesta emails, the DNC emails, but in other ways. I’ve asked you before, I’ll ask you again today — did Russia give you this information, or anybody associated with Russia? Assange responded to Hannity by urging him that WikiLeaks source is not a State party. “So, the answer for our interactions is ‘no.’” He also discussed how the political establishment has tried desperately to deter people from the leaked documents, as a means for burying the corrupt reality of the Clinton campaign. “And the American public read that information, true information, and said, ‘We don’t like these people.’ And then voted accordingly,” he said. Assange believes the frenzy of claims reeling Russia in as a key part of the leaks is a mere tool in attempting to hide the once well manicured facade of the U.S. political system in its entirety, and most notably the recent election. “Even Obama has had to admit that there was no hacking of U.S. voting machines,” he said. Americans loyalty to their political system has proven detrimental.

They have come to question that, if they are being told by the Clinton campaign, by their president, and other influential political departments that WikiLeaks was working with the Russian government to sway the election, why wouldn’t they believe it? Even Hannity asks if there is any truth to it. But Assange is quick to reply. No, it is absolutely false, and, if you read their statements carefully, you’ll see they don’t actually say that.

They kind of mention one fact here, and one fact there, and nothing else. In the most up-to-date information, the twenty-ninth of December, where the FBI, DHS, White House, et cetera, made a statement, what is completely absent — from all those statements — is Wikileaks. Totally absent. So, what’s going on? I believe two things are going on. Number one, they don’t have the evidence that Wikileaks is involved in that way. Now, why am I confident about that? Because there is one person in the world — and I think it’s actually only one — who knows exactly what is going on with our publications. And that’s me. But while Assange said WikiLeaks absolutely did not gather the information at hand from the Russian government, he also refused to clarify, or give any hints alluding to, who provides them the information. And so, in the interview, Hannity switched the matter to focus on accusations about the U.S. political establishment. He asked Assange if he had formed any sort of relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. But Assange was stern in his answer. “No,” he simply said. He said the same regarding interactions with Donald Trump surrounding the election. In fact, according to Assange, the reality of the Russian hacking drama was created and amplified by the corporate press and politicians. Eyebrows have been raised regarding WikiLeaks lack of calling out Trump and his campaign, but in the interview, Assange explains that it’s not a matter of keeping information about him from the public, it’s just simply that they haven’t received documents to publish. Hannity asked Assange: “If the information you had was about Donald Trump and his campaign, would you have equally released that?” Assange seemed frustrated by the question, but eventually replied with: “I don’t want to constrain whether it was someone inside the United States, in the DNC, in the service providers that provide for the DNC, or outside, et cetera. I think that we have already pushed it quite a lot, more than we would like, by saying it was not a State party.” Assange continues on in the interview to stress that he, nor WikiLeaks, has a party political agenda. “We believe that the best type of government comes from a government that is scrutinized by the people, when they have true information about how governments and major corporations, other power actors in society, are behaving.” .

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