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Kanye West Says We Must Be ‘Fearless Enough To Break The F*cking Simulation’

Kanye West Says We Must Be ‘Fearless Enough To Break The F*cking Simulation’

Kanye West appears on the 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' show to discuss his new album, YE, but first goes into why he stands firm in his beliefs, how he overcame fear, and why love can cure so much of our world's problems. Though we may not agree with everything ANYONE says, it's always important to not discard all that is being said as nonsense or unimportant. We all have deeper gnosis within us to share, and when we are open to listening, we may hear true insight. LOVE. That’s been Kanye West’s message for a few months now and I for one could not be happier, as both someone who has crossed paths with him and a fan of his earlier works, as well as someone who can truly appreciate when there is evident growth in any given individual. Look, it’s difficult to say if anyone has truly gone through an awakening of sorts or not, whether it be a celebrity or our very own close friends, but it is always beautiful to see and important when others are speaking out on things many would, in fact, be fearful of speaking on, let alone on LIVE television for the world to watch and cast their judgments on. With that said, as I scrolled through my daily feed and came across this video, I found it crucial to share. Last night, Thursday, August 9th, on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” West went on yet another one of his well-known lengthy discussions on his present mentality and perspectives on life. He spoke about how difficult it was for him to overcome the fear he initially had when wishing to come forward as a Trump supporter, and how there are two main motivating forces in this world we are living in, Love and Fear. This is how he expressed the latter: “Just as a musician, African-American, a guy out in Hollywood — all these different things, you know, everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me,” West said. “And then told me every time I said I liked Trump that I couldn’t say it out loud or my career would be over. I’d get kicked out of the black community because blacks — we’re supposed to have a monolithic thought, we can only like, we can only be Democrats and all. So, even when I said it right before I went to the hospital and I expressed myself, and when I came out I had lost my confidence.” “So, I didn’t have the confidence to take on the world and the possible backlash, and it took me a year and a half to have the confidence to stand up and put on the hat no matter what the consequences were,” he continued. “And what it represented to me is not about policies because I’m not a politician like that. But it represented overcoming fear and doing what you felt, no matter what anyone said, in saying, you can’t bully me. Liberals can’t bully me. News can’t bully me.

The hip-hop community — they can’t bully me. Because at that point, if I’m afraid to be me, I’m no longer Ye. That’s what makes Ye. And I actually quite enjoy when people are mad at me about certain things.” Watch the video below to hear the full interview as he dives deeper into love, the simulation we are living in, education, slavery, over-protection, hate, pride and more: There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ here, but take a moment to reflect on what is being said. How can we be more present and act in love more frequently as a collective? As we like to say here at Collective Evolution, ‘CHANGE STARTS WITHIN’ and that’s something to really think about act on, I’d say. .

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