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KAP (Kundalini Activation Process)

KAP (Kundalini Activation Process)

If you have experienced tantra, or dabbled in yoga, you may have heard of the term “kundalini.” Kundalini, in Hinduism, is a form of divine feminine energy located at the base of the spine, in the Muladhara, or the “root chakra”. Kundalini “awakenings” are typically thought of as a timely spiritual process that may take months or sometimes years to occur.

There has even been a sort of stigma around the process, stating that it could be harmful if done too quickly or too soon. This is likely due to the most common techniques used in order to achieve a kundalini awakening. Methods such as kundalini yoga or tantra, work with one’s own energy (kundalini) in a self-willed manner to bring that energy up from the Muladhara. This way of activation can cause some unfavorable or unexpected experiences because it’s generally common for there to be blockages in the higher energy points and chakras. With that being said, as the energy rises, it can have some resistance when attempting to elevate. However, the process of KAP is much different. Similarly to Reiki, the Kundalini Activation Process, otherwise known as KAP, is a transmission of life force energy. This process was founded by Venant Wong, who discovered he could activate a person’s Kundalini through touch by working with the energy systems and meridian points. Certified KAP facilitators transmit non-dual awareness and “kundalini energy” that enters through the crown chakra and flows down toward the root chakra. Since the energy is transmitted through the crown, it works to alleviate any stagnant energies within the higher chakras before reaching the root chakra where eventually the energies of the transmission and ones’s own kundalini energy, begin to flow both ways. Unlike most kundalini practices, this is not a self-willed or self-generating process, it is the path of surrender and allowing this intelligent energy to do exactly what your system needs in the moment. It is a very natural process that won’t shock the system in any way. Once activated, it is said to produce profound effects. Many have described feeling a tingling sensation or the “energy” throughout their body, having visions and going on astral journeys, experiencing an emotional release such as crying, screaming, and/or laughing, and kinesthetic movements such as yoga and mudras have also been reported. Participants who have experienced KAP have expressed increased awareness, mental clarity, feeling wholeness or oneness, decrease in anxiety and/or depression, and relief in body aches and pains.

The process is also very simple. While the participant lays down on a yoga mat with their eyes closed, music is played, and the facilitator points at different chakra or meridian points on the body.

There is no preparation required, however, it is suggested to refrain from consuming meat and to eat light at least a few hours prior to the session if possible. After effects may vary with each individual but the energy may be felt throughout the body for the following couple of days. Some participants also experience changes in behavior such as changes in interests, vivid dreams, or disinterest in certain types of food. Some clients have reported becoming more sensitive and connected to their highest self. Sign Up for The Alchemist's Kitchen newsletter. Get the latest savings, events, herbal education and save 10% on your first purchase. Despite the variations of experience, an activated kundalini can have a profound impact on your well-being and bring you back to your center. During this time of great uncertainty, receiving the transmission of the raw life force of Kundalini energy can be a very healing and replenishing experience and may reconnect you with the infinite source of spiritual power. On Saturday, July 25th, Bre Jenkins from Going Inwrd will be teaching a workshop on KAP, transmission of kundalini/life force energy. Click here to sign up! Working in the health and wellness industry for over nine years, Bre has gained a substantial amount of knowledge when it comes to taking care of the mind and body.She is currently a freelance writer for several wellness and psychedelics focused platforms and offers Psychedelic Integration Support for her clients.Bre holds certifications in KAP (Kundalini Activation Process), Reiki, Yoni Steaming, Psychedelic Integration, Health Coaching, and more. Through both her personal experience and professional training, Bre is helping others achieve balance through psychedelics, authentic self-expression, and KAP.

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