Kevin Spacey’s ‘Let Me Be Frank’: Is This Madness Or Is There A Deeper Meaning?
Kevin Spacey released a cryptic video on Christmas Eve right after news of his indictment for sexual assault was announced, inspiring several theories about his true motive behind it.

Do you think this video is genius or madness? Which interpretation makes the most sense to you, or do you agree that several theories must be combined in order to understand what Spacey was thinking? As many of us already know, given it has now garnered 9.4 million views on Youtube, former House of Cards star Kevin Spacey posted a cryptic video on Christmas Eve.
The video was published immediately following the announcement that he will face a charge of felony sexual assault in Massachusetts on accusations that he groped a young man in 2016.
The allegations were first brought forward in November 2017, when former Boston TV anchor Heather Unruh told reporters that Spacey groped her teenage son in a crowded bar inside a Nantucket restaurant. Since the charge was announced, the 59-year-old Oscar-winning actor has argued that he should be excused from attending his Jan. 7 arraignment at the Nantucket District Court because his presence would “amplify the negative publicity already generated in connection with this case.” However, Judge Thomas Barrett denied Spacey’s request. For the record, Spacey has said he will plead not guilty to felony indecent assault and battery. Back to the video, titled ‘Let Me Be Frank,’ which is an ironic double-entendre between him offering to speak honestly (frankly) while in the character of Frank Underwood (his role as a ruthless and dishonest politician in House of Cards). And even a third meaning pops out from this title, where the plea to ‘Let me be Frank’ is a request to return to House of Cards as Frank Underwood, a role that was stripped away from him when the sexual assault allegations first surfaced. With the multi-level meaning of this title as an indicator, I believe Kevin Spacey thought about and worked on the words and the delivery of this video for a very long time, carefully working a single narrative to move in and out of different levels, speaking to different audiences at different times, and sometimes several audiences at once. Rather than believing that there was one ultimate purpose for releasing this video, I sense that Spacey was dealing with a host of internal emotions and desires that he wanted to express, and felt the need to give birth to this idea that he may have become obsessed with. As an actor, few would deny that Spacey was one of the best in Hollywood, and I believe he used those talents to create a mysterious narrative that would have a host of pundits weighing in with different theories. I am not saying this video is genius and will be studied by academia and media studies for years to come; however, I do think that it seems to be the result of a lot of thought and effort, and may even be clearly understood by his target audience. He probably had said the whole monologue hundreds of times over and over again before shooting it.
There is a sense that he had a lot to say here. Whether or not it accomplished what he intended is a different matter, but I think it is worth a deeper investigation than what I’ve seen on social media and mainstream media. Let’s look at some of the different ‘takes’ people have had on it and see if the real ‘message’ can be found by analyzing them, regardless of your personal opinions of Kevin Spacey. This first take is what I would consider the most literal interpretation of the video, in which the very title ‘Let Me Be Frank’ may be a plea to his fans to do what they can to lobby Netflix for Spacey’s character on House of Cards, Frank Underwood, to literally come back from the dead. Indeed, the way the video starts, with Spacey facing directly into the camera, he seems to be talking to fans, much in the same way his character Frank Underwood sometimes talks directly to the audience: I know what you want. Oh sure they may have tried to separate us but what we have is too strong – is too powerful. I mean after all we shared everything, you and I. I told you my deepest darkest secrets. I showed you exactly what people are capable of. Here, Spacey discusses his role as Frank Underwood and elevates it to the level of an extremely important disclosure of the true means and motives of the elite, of the people who have power in the world. Of course, one could say that about the show House of Cards in general, as it does indeed reveal the shadowy forces behind politics. But acting as the main character, not only with his lofty acting skills but also his firsthand knowledge of this dark world (more on that later), Spacey may really believe that he was doing a great service to humanity, bringing occult knowledge out of the darkness and into the public domain. Perhaps there is something in that, but he may have given himself over to self-aggrandizement. After all, he’s not the only one on this mission. This form of disclosure is now seeping out from all realms of human activity. His characterization of the desire on the part of fans to have him return to continue revealing the dark side is a bit over the top: So we’re not done no matter what anyone says and besides, I know what you want. You want me back.
There may be some emotional entanglement between his character being killed off and his personal experience of being shunned by the allegations of sexual misconduct, to the extent that he questions the legitimacy of the death of Frank Underwood in the same vein as the legitimacy of the claims against him, so that the restoration of Frank Underwood somehow equates to the restoration of his innocence: Anyway all this presumption made for such an unsatisfying ending, and to think, it could have been such a memorable send-off. In an episode of Inside Edition on the very subject of ‘Let Me Be Frank’ (see video clip below), we see that this ‘comeback attempt’ is exactly the take of Spacey’s younger brother, Randy Fowler: Fowler: The man has no shame. He’s begging for his job. This video was a rationalization to try and convince his fan base to convince Netflix to bring it back. He thinks that he’s gonna make a comeback. Interviewer: You think he shouldn’t have done it. Fowler: Of course he shouldn’t have done it, but it’s ‘Act 3’ of a desperate man. He got dethroned overnight, It’s over. Kevin Spacey’s brother wrote a book in 2017 titled ‘A Moment In Time: Living In The Shadows,’ which details the sexual and physical abuse Randy endured from his father, whom Randy refers to as ‘The Creature,’ as well as his mother’s denial and indifference to his pain and her almost erotic favoritism toward Kevin. Going more deeply into this is not possible here, but it will serve us to know that Randy believes Kevin to be a man who has suppressed all emotions from their devastating childhood, and as a result of never coming to grips with his childhood, is probably capable of extreme brutality and sexual deviance like their father was. In the book, Randy discusses in detail his practically non-existent relationship with his estranged younger brother, Kevin Spacey Fowler, whom Randy tried so hard to protect during their abusive childhoods. Randy asks the following questions: “Why is one brother brutally honest and the other dishonestly brutal? Why does one have character and the other plays characters? Why was one a plaything for their cruel, mentally ill, perverted pedophile father and the other embraced by a loving mother, who ignored Randy’s screams of pain and suffering?” When we combine Randy’s testimony with the number of accusations of sexual misconduct and sexual abuse that have surfaced against Spacey over a number of years, as well as Spacey’s prominence in the industry, it’s presumable that Kevin Spacey has been deeply involved in Hollywood pedophilia for a number of years. Is it possible that Spacey’s main aim for putting out the video was as a kind of offence against those that claim Spacey abused them, like the felony sexual assault charge in Massachusetts, as evidenced by the video in this Independent article? If so, that puts these words in a completely different context: I know what you want. Oh sure they may have tried to separate us but what we have is too strong – is too powerful. I mean, after all, we shared everything, you and I. I told you my deepest darkest secrets. And you trusted me even though you knew you shouldn’t. So we’re not done no matter what anyone says and besides, I know what you want. You want me back. Oh well, of course they’re gonna say I’m being disrespectful not playing by the rules like I ever played by anyone’s rules before. I never did and you loved it.
The suggestion that, even in his own mind, Spacey believes that his victims were actually willing participants who made the choice to trust him and therefore have no right to accuse him of wrongdoing, is just too gruesome to even contemplate — especially since he is known to have been a guest on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island, as evidenced in the ‘Lolita Express’ flight log below and detailed in this Infowars article. In truth, I do not think that the main purpose of this video is to speak to any of his past victims and try to justify his actions or absolve himself of what he did to those young boys. But it does seem like, in Spacey’s mind, there is a connection between his relationship with his audience, in which he deeply reveals/confesses his character’s desires and motives (and his own, in many ways), and his relationship with his victims, in which Spacey may imagine that he is making himself vulnerable to them and revealing his ‘deepest, darkest secrets.’ I have no idea what is going on in Spacey’s mind, but it is not inconceivable that, coming from the highly dysfunctional home life that he did, he might feel he is not to blame and in some twisted way is giving his victims something they wanted. For me, a more cogent reason for creating this video was to make a hidden threat to those above him in his elite ‘Illuminati’ pedophile circle who may have allowed allegations of sexual misconduct against him to be taken seriously by law enforcement and the mainstream media.
The impression I hold from my research is that those who follow the rules and do what their higher-ups tell them to do are able to escape most or all crimes with impunity. In a sense, Kevin Spacey may have done something to displease his masters to make them turn his world of high status, fame, wealth, and capacity into a world of being shunned, dismissed, hated, and even incarcerated. Spacey’s bitterness may very well be best explained by the engraving in the Royal Windsor cup he drinks from in the video, which reads ‘Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.’ My feeling is that Kevin Spacey enjoyed moving up the ranks of the Illuminati, and even surprised some of his higher-ups by his audacity and insubordination, perhaps to the extent that they were entertained and even enlightened by his participation in their activities. One of the ‘rules’ that must be followed by the Illuminati in accordance with their spiritual principles, as David Wilcock elaborates on in the video clip below, is that they must ‘make known’ all they do in the world in order to get humanity’s tacit ‘consent’ to their actions and their rule. But these public revealings are often cloaked in symbols, popular culture, comedy and drama, and other metaphorical forms. Indeed, House of Cards could stand as one of the most prominent forms of revealing Illuminati means and tactics in the film industry, and perhaps the ‘game’ is to see how far they can go in revealing who they truly are and what they truly do without knocking down their ‘house of cards’ entirely. Perhaps Kevin Spacey liked to push the envelope in this regard. Oh well of course they’re gonna say I’m being disrespectful not playing by the rules like I ever played by anyone’s rules before. I never did and you loved it. Certainly this scene from the show, in which Frank Underwood is not only participating in a ceremony at Bohemian Grove but is also explaining what his purpose as a high-ranking American politician is for being there, pushes the envelope: Perhaps Spacey was threatening to go even further, and was empowered by the fact that he was actually rewarded for his past insubordination. Perhaps there was a dispute about what season 6 would actually reveal.
These are all suppositions, of course, but this message seems to fit best with some of the more powerful phrases from the video: I mean, if you and I have learned nothing else these past years, it’s that in life and art nothing should be off the table. We weren’t afraid, not of what we said, not of what we did, and we’re still not afraid because I can promise you this. If I didn’t pay the price for the things we both know I did do, I’m certainly not gonna pay the price for the things I didn’t do. If Kevin Spacey is guilty of unspeakable crimes, that would render the acts he is currently being accused of as ‘insignificant’ in the eyes of the Illuminati.
The more serious acts were likely committed within the protected bowels of the Illuminati, and would not surface because they would implicate other members and may endanger the Illuminati itself. When they turn on one of their own, the tactic of the Illuminati tends to be to support accusations that are outside of ritualistic Illuminati practices. Hence, this is perhaps why Spacey acknowledges that he and other members don’t pay for the true crimes that are part of Illuminati ritual and that he’s ‘not gonna pay the price for things I didn’t do.’ But does Spacey’s threat that he’s ‘not gonna pay the price’ mean he’s threatening to tell all and bring down others if the higher-ups don’t use their power and influence to free him rather than convict him in court? Perhaps this line gives us the answer: And my confidence grows each day that soon enough you will know the full truth.
The Takeaway As interesting as it may be to speculate on what Kevin Spacey’s true intent was with this video, his actions were unjustifiable, and no video could argue against that. However, I believe this video also reflects the significant power the Illuminati holds. Gone are the days when the Illuminati ruled over a public that was oblivious to the fact that they were being subjected to a slow process of mind control and subjugation. Today, thanks to the Internet, camera phones, and growing public knowledge, the Illuminati is in a precarious position in which they’re no longer capable of completely controlling the narrative and are in danger of being brought out of the shadows. If disgruntled members like Kevin Spacey have their way, that may happen sooner rather than later.
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