Khanna: Colleges Hiking Prices after Loan Cancellation 'an Important Issue' -- That's Why Public College Should Be Free
On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” Rep.

Ro Khanna (D-CA) said that while he supports President Joe Biden’s student loan debt cancellation program, the prospect of schools just raising prices because they know the debt obligations of students decreased is “an important issue. And that’s why I have proposed that we have public college be free and those grants be tied to not having large tuition increases.” Host Neil Cavuto asked, [relevant remarks begin around 1:25] “What’s to stop, though, Congressman, a college or university from just continuing to do what they’ve done for decades now, just keep raising their tuition, room and board prices because now they know prospective students, their debt obligation just went down?” Khanna responded, “It’s an important issue. And that’s why I have proposed that we have public college be free and those grants be tied to not having large tuition increases. That’s actually what we had in this country from 1860 to 1960.
The land grant universities were basically free, then we had state budget cuts. But if we go back to that, and tie this — the money to not having inflation — increases beyond inflation, then you would get the cost of college under control.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.
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