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Legislation should be passed to control the abuse of “nudging” techniques that can border on psychological and even physical torture

Legislation should be passed to control the abuse of “nudging” techniques that can border on psychological and even physical torture

During the covid crisis, nudging emerged as one of the primary psyops tools used by globalists, governments, non-government organisations (“NGOs”), and “security” (intelligence) forces against us.

In the following article, Dr. Robert Malone highlights some of the peer-reviewed papers which document just how effective the fear nudge has become.

For example, one study stated: “The nudging interventions such as mandatory PCR testing and small group seminars helped raise the rate of covid-19 vaccination; the most effective one is mandatory PCR.”

“This study took place in Turkey, but a physical intervention (mandatory PCR testing) was performed to coerce people into being vaccinated against their will,” Dr. Robert Malone writes.

Adding, “We all know, having lived through the covid crisis, that this intervention was performed informally throughout the Western world. These scientists just documented what governments and hospitals were doing to people worldwide.”

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The Dark Arts: Fear Nudging

By Dr. Robert Malone

During the covid crisis, nudging emerged as one of the primary psyops tools used by globalists, governments, non-government organisations (“NGOs”), and “security” (intelligence) forces against us ordinary folk. 

Recently, a number of peer-reviewed papers have come to light, exposing just how pervasive and damaging the use of nudges was during covid-19. They also reveal how nudging, including fear nudging, is being used to control people and populations on matters such as health, climate change, meat-eating, tobacco use, alcohol use, weight control, electoral candidates, political campaigns and more.

The PsyWar Campaign continues to work to control our hearts and minds on all matters of statecraft.

For those that need reminding, nudging is a form of psychological manipulation that is often used in psyops and psywar campaigns.

A nudge is a technique for modifying people’s behaviour in a predictable way by influencing people to behave in a desired outcome. Nudging is usually performed covertly, although that is not considered a criterion of the nudge. A nudge can be described as: “any aspects of the choice architecture that predictably alters people’s behaviour without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives.” 

Nudging alters the environment, triggering automatic cognitive processes to favour the desired outcome. Nudging makes it more likely that a person will make a particular choice or behave in a particular way.

Fear nudging involves using nudges that utilise a fear component to drive behaviour, opinions or decision-making. While this is a particularly effective form of nudging, it is absolutely unethical, in my opinion, and that of others.

The peer-reviewed papers below document just how effective the fear nudge has become and how globalists and governments alike routinely use this technique to control populations.

Tactics of FORCES (Frame, Obstruct, Ruse, Compel, Entangle, Seduce), which are being used by governments, globalists, and NGOs to control populations

The above graphics are from the paper listed HERE.

The link to the full paper is HERE.

The dark nudge is an incredibly effective fear-based tool that governments, political candidates, companies, NGOs, the security state and others use to control thought and action at the individual and population level. This psyops tool has been, is and will be utilised against ordinary people.

  • A search on “covid-19 vaccine and hesitancy” in PubMed pulls up 5,550 results.
  • A search on “vaccine and hesitancy” in PubMed pulls up 7,981 results.

The use of the nudge is a key strategy that many organisations resort to in order to “overcome” vaccine hesitancy.

The peer-reviewed paper below established that some hospitals used psychological torture and even physical discomfort to induce people to accept covid-19 vaccination.

The link to the full paper is HERE.  From the paper:

This study took place in Turkey, but a physical intervention (mandatory PCR testing) was performed to coerce people into being vaccinated against their will.

We all know, having lived through the covid crisis, that this intervention was performed informally throughout the Western world. These scientists just documented what governments and hospitals were doing to people worldwide. 

The truth is that “the machine” (the system) did this to us. This goes beyond some small unethical breach, as using PCR testing to harass and cause physical discomfort of the unvaccinated was performed worldwide. Hence, fear nudging that applied physical discomfort and even pain was performed on millions of people worldwide.

The number of peer-reviewed papers documenting and encouraging the use of dark nudges is astounding. Often, these organisations don’t even know the name of this technique – they just do it because it is effective. 

It is time that legislative action be considered to control the abuse of this psyops technique that can border on psychological and even physical torture.

About the Author

Robert W. Malone is a physician and biochemist. His work focuses on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. You can find him at Substack and Gettr.

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