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Let’s Start Change With The Person in The Mirror

“If you want to make the world a better place, have a look at yourself and make a change.” Michael Jackson Did you feel it? Dec 21st 2012 went by and...

Let’s Start Change With The Person in The Mirror

not much took place right? I think we will see that change in time. Personally the majority of what I felt changing this past month occurred in and around Dec 12th 2012 where what felt like a wave of neutrality and support made it’s way across the planet. This made things feel easier and more conducive to spread this kind of message as well as making it easier to reflect on ourselves. You may have felt it or you may not have, I think at the end of the day what is more important is not so much whether we felt it or not on that day or even the 21st, but more so that things are moving along at an exponential rate in terms of what people are feeling when it comes to making change. Sure, our external world hasn’t made any drastic changes yet, but the growing number of people asking questions, looking for solutions and starting with themselves is expanding like crazy. As are sitting here on boxing day pumping out the finals for CE Magazine, we are throwing on various songs while working. On comes, Michael Jackson – Man in The Mirror.

The message in this song is very clear and I thought it would be a great one to share as we head into 2013. Let’s remember to start change with the person in the mirror! .

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