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Lighthearted Cartoons Poke Fun At Every Aspect Of Modern Life

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and there seem to be more and more examples of that arising daily thanks to the power in internet virality.

Lighthearted Cartoons Poke Fun At Every Aspect Of Modern Life

Whether it be a series of disturbing pictures that expose the absurdities of modern culture, or some heartwarming illustrations showing the love between dads and their little girls we seem to love seeing aspects of life captured in this way.

The newest set of images to be digitally embraced by us are by talented cartoonist John Atkinson, who shares his cartoons through the facebook page Wrong Hands. Started in February of 2013, the page shows comical images that poke fun at modern life. From comical comparisons to unspoken truths, the cartoons are certainly worth checking out and following. Here are some of my personal favourites that I think we can all relate to: John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands John Atkinson, Wrong Hands What I particularly appreciate about these images is that in addition to being funny, they also offer some food for thought—especially in the realm of social media. Given how engrained they are in our daily life, it’s hard to take a step back and see these platforms for what they really are and how they have changed the way we live, promote, and interact. It wasn’t even that long ago that these platforms didn’t exist, yet it’s hard for many of us to imagine even a day without them. I personally see these cartoons as a great reminder to ensure that I take adequate time away from technology daily, both for my health and to maintain my appreciation for what takes place outside of the screen. Which of John’s images did you like the most? Let us know via the comments section, and be sure to check out the rest of his work by visiting his website HERE. .

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