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“Losing Control & Going Crazy” Call Tonight 9PM w/ Franco DeNicola

“Losing Control & Going Crazy” Call Tonight 9PM w/ Franco DeNicola

Masterpiece Life is hosting a call tonight called “Losing Control Going Crazy” This should be a good one for many of us as it seems things keep getting more and more intense and confusion is arising fast. From Masterpiece Life: The energy is intensifying and many are experiencing a purge clear at a very accelerated rate. Tonight’s clearing is to assist you to release limiting beliefs that only give power to the old way of being. Oneness Consciousness is here and it will bring about many changes that at first may seem difficult. Join us tonight as we unite to clear out what is creating the feeling of “losing control” If you haven’t already, Register Now at: These group clearings are becoming more and more powerful each time that we have them and you join us. We unite as One and Consciously Create a New Existence Here are your details: Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Time: 9:00pm – 10:30pm Eastern Be sure to tune in and check this one out! Much Love CE Team .

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