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Maher: 'I Don't See Good Things Economically on the Horizon' - We Have a Massive Deficit

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said he doesn’t “see good things economically on the horizon” and this is partially due to the large budget deficit the United States has.

Maher: 'I Don't See Good Things Economically on the Horizon' - We Have a Massive Deficit

Maher said that he does think people will return to work, adding, “I don’t think we can continue on the path we’re on where the stock market keeps going up, do you? Do you see good things in our economic future with what’s going on with our politics and with our deficit? I read today, just — it was like something like 2.7 trillion, we never had one this high, except for last year. I don’t see good things economically on the horizon. Maybe that’s my pessimism.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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