Mail Bombs Get Sent To Clinton, Obama, And Others. What’s This All About?
Several makeshift mail bombs were sent to prominent Democrats, though all seem to have been intercepted by routine screenings before causing any damage.

From an objective point of view, does the mainstream narrative about the source of these bombs make sense, or is it more logical to see this as a Deep State false flag? Does it seem like the veils of deception are becoming ever more transparent? Breaking: Let’s go right to this report from most trusted name in news, to find out what we are supposed to be paying attention to today: Authorities have intercepted bombs intended for former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and several other top political figures were targeted in what authorities are investigating as a connected series of incidents. Also, CNN’s New York bureau in the Time Warner Center was evacuated after a package containing a bomb, addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan, was discovered, city and local law enforcement officials said. In addition, sources told CNN that a suspicious package intended for California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters was intercepted at a congressional mail screening facility in Maryland; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo received what he said was a device at his Manhattan office; and the San Diego Union-Tribune evacuated its building after “suspicious looking packages” were spotted outside.
The developments, which unfolded rapidly and continued steadily into the afternoon, touched off fear and confusion and immediately invited questions about the motives of those responsible.
The recipients of the packages are all prominent targets of right-wing criticism and, in many cases, of President Donald Trump himself.–CNN What fear and confusion? Even early reports demonstrated that everything was under control. Who exactly was fearful and confused? The average joe on the street? I don’t think so.
The targeted politicians? Seemingly not, if Hillary Clinton’s calm analysis of the situation is any indication. And you gotta love the lead-in to that last line in the CNN report: the recipients of the packages were not called ‘Left-Leaning Liberals’ or even ‘Democrats,’ they were ‘prominent targets of right-wing criticism and, in many cases, of President Donald Trump himself.’ What a beautiful frame. It must have cost them a fortune. This article in Vanity Fair goes deeper, as it is put under the heading ‘fake news’ and tried to relegate to right-wing conspiracy theory nuttery the logical idea that the bomb ‘threats’ are an attempt by the Deep State to control the narrative.
The attempted bombing of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, CNN, and other high-profile political targets feels as predictable as it is horrific, following a month of steadily darkening passions: bloody clashes between white nationalists and Antifa on the Upper East Side, angry diners chasing Republicans out of restaurants, children in cages on the southern border, and Donald Trump’s incitements to violence against journalists and conspiratorial ravings about Soros, leftist agitators, and a “caravan” of criminal migrants winding its way up through Central America. Equally predictable was the response on the far-right, which quickly divined a more sinister purpose behind what appeared to be a coordinated act of terrorism. Whether this more ‘sinister’ purpose makes more sense than the idea being promoted by Vanity Fair–that these attempted bombings were perpetrated by Trump supporters amidst the ‘steadily darkening passions’ that have been caused by Donald Trump himself–can be determined with a bit of objective observation. Certainly, the fact that the ‘children in cages’ narrative is still in the list of Trump faux-pas when it has been founded on Obama-era pictures does not speak well of VF’s case. Again, as I’ve previously discussed regarding false flags and other forms of deception, I like to focus on motivation as a key component for helping me discern who might be responsible for a certain event, especially if the event doesn’t make a lot of sense on the face of it. Really, there are only two possibilities. Nobody is foolish enough to try to claim the Trump administration is responsible for this. But the narrative that the Deep State is trying to build, as we’ve seen above, is that Trump has created all the rage, hatred, and divisiveness the country is currently experiencing, and this has somehow ‘motivated’ one of his supporters to target many of the people Trump has been critical of. Does this motivation seem reasonable? This person would need to be smart enough to pull off such a well-timed execution of several of these devices being discovered on the same day (not sure why it would be important for this person to have so many occur on the same day) but dumb enough to actually think they would reach their intended targets, and out-of-touch enough to feel that he is actually doing something positive for Donald Trump by these efforts.
The other possibility is that this is a soft ‘false flag’ stunt orchestrated by the Deep State in order to build the very narrative described above that Trump has caused great hatred and division in the country, with the implication that the Democrats are the ones who will be able to heal this divide, if they are supported in the mid-term elections to gain majorities in the House and Senate. Not sure if this is their ploy? Let’s listen to the tone of some initial reactions by Democrats to the mail bombs: “Every day, we are grateful for [the secret service], and obviously never more than today. But it is a troubling time, isn’t it? And it’s a time of deep divisions, and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together.”–Hillary Clinton “This appalling attack on our democracy must be vigorously prosecuted, and I am deeply disturbed by the way my name was used. Today, my staff and I will hug each other and our loved ones tightly, and tomorrow get back to work serving the people I was elected to represent.”–Debbie Wasserman Schultz “We listened with great interest to the President’s remarks this afternoon. We all take an oath to support and defend the constitution and protect the American people, and that is our first responsibility. However, President Trump’s words ring hollow until he reverses his statements that condone acts of violence.Time and time again, the President has condoned physical violence and divided Americans with his words and his actions. Expressing support for the Congressman who body-slammed a reporter, the neo-Nazis who killed a young woman in Charlottesville, his supporters at rallies who get violent with protesters, dictators around the world who murder their own citizens, and referring to the free press as the enemy of the people.”–Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Seems to me like they are really running with this narrative, and it is all founded on the highly coordinated appearance of all these crude mail bombs. False flag gets my vote. Of course, even if the Trump administration knew it was a false flag, it would be political suicide to be publicizing this view. Instead, they have to play the game, so as not to disenchant the vast amount of half-asleep voters whose decisions whether or not to go to the midterm election voting stations hold the balance of power. Donald Trump roundly condemned the attacks in predictable fashion, as did Vice President Mike Pence. In fact, here’s an experiment. If you were playing the game, what would you tell Pence to say in a press conference about the mail bombs? You’d probably suggest he reassure the voters about how seriously this is being taken, and you might even tell him to ‘really give us a look like you mean business at the end.’ Now watch the video see if it plays out exactly as you had scripted it, as if you were directing him yourself. The ubiquity of mainstream coverage on these mail bombs only reinforces the notion that this is absolutely the only thing the mainstream media wants people to pay attention to. And usually when mainstream media wants you to pay attention to one thing, it’s because they don’t want you to pay attention to another thing. Sleight of hand. Bait and switch. We should be well used to it by now. What do they not want us to pay attention to? Probably a long list of things. But I’m particularly interested in why mainstream media was absolutely stone cold silent on a recent Federal Court hearing brought about through a FOIA lawsuit seeking information about Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Benghazi murders, and more particularly the attempted coverup and obstruction of justice on the part of the State Department. From the Judicial Watch site: In his opening remarks during a hearing last Friday (October 12), Judge Lamberth strongly criticized the U.S. Department of State: “The information that I was provided was clearly false regarding the adequacy of the [Clinton email] search and... what we now know turned out to be the Secretary’s email system.” Turning his attention to the Department of Justice, Judge Lamberth said that he was “dumbfounded” by the agency’s Inspector General report revealing that Cheryl Mills had been given immunity and was allowed to accompany former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to her FBI interview: “I had myself found that Cheryl Mills had committed perjury and lied under oath in a published opinion I had issued in a Judicial Watch case where I found her unworthy of belief, and I was quite shocked to find out she had been given immunity in — by the Justice Department in the Hillary Clinton email case. So I did not know that until I read the IG report and learned that and that she had accompanied the Secretary to her interview.” Certainly the fact that there is legal proof that perjury, lies, intentional omissions and obfuscations have been revealed as the reasons the Benghazi investigation did not lead to the indictment and conviction of Hillary Clinton might be of interest to the general public, no? It’s pretty hard to miss what’s actually happening here with mainstream media.
The veils of deception that orchestrate the mainstream media’s desire to control the narrative have become virtually transparent, which bodes well for an awakening community hungry for the truth behind the deception. Let’s all keep using our growing discernment of publicized events to lead us to that truth.
Read the full article at the original website