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Man Claims He Has Not Eaten or Drunk Any Liquids For 70 Years. Science Examines Him

Man Claims He Has Not Eaten or Drunk Any Liquids For 70 Years. Science Examines Him

Is it possible for us to survive without food or water? Doctors are now trying to determine that thanks to the baffling claims of an Indian man who says he has not consumed either for the last 70 years. Even more shocking? He is in perfect health. Raised in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Prahlad Jani says he has not had any food or liquids since he was eight years old. He also claims to have been blessed at that time by a goddess, which is what allows him to survive without sustenance, except for that which he derives from meditation. Sudhir Shah and a team of 35 researchers from the Indian Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) and other organizations observed and tested Jani over the course of 15 days in the private Sterling Hospital.

They studied him daily through clinical examinations, blood tests, and scans, and surveilled him 24 hours a day using CCTV cameras, so as to ensure he did not consume anything. According to researchers, the only time Jani was taken out of his sealed room was for tests and exposure to sun, and they continued to video record him during these times to ensure the authenticity of their results. Jani’s was only exposed to liquids when he bathed or gargled water, and his toilet was sealed to test his claims that he did not urinate or defecate. After fifteen days of intensive observation, during which time Jani did not eat, drink, or go to the toilet, all medical test results came back as normal and doctors described his health as being better than someone half his age. Interestingly, doctors reported that although the amount of liquid in Jani’s bladder fluctuated and that Jani appeared “able to generate urine in his bladder,” he did not pass any urine. His reported levels of leptin and ghrelin, two appetite-related hormones, suggested that Jani may be demonstrating an extreme form of adaptation to starvation and water restriction. Even after the 15 day examination, DIPAS is still interested in running tests on Jani to determine how metabolic waste material is eliminated from his body, where he gets his energy for sustenance, and how he stays hydrated. The director of DIPAS believes that the results of Jani’s observations could “tremendously benefit mankind.” Professor Anil Gupta of SRISTI, involved in monitoring the tests, described the team as being “intrigued” by Jani’s kriyas apparently allowing him to control his body’s physiological functions. Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores, but the average human can survive for only three to four days without water. How is Jani able to survive without either? Some believe that his access to bathing allowed him to store liquid in the body, while others believe he had food or water after the short study. But Jani is not the first person to be tested with such claims. HRM, another Indian man, was tested intensively for 411 days after he claimed that he did not eat any food. While HRM did consume boiled water, researchers confirmed that he did not eat during the observation period and yet maintained perfect health. This is exciting to me because, regardless of the current science we accept when it comes to the physiology of the body, it is becoming clear that we may not have it all correct and that it is possible to change the consciousness of our body to operate differently. Having tried sungazing for several long periods myself, I can attest to the fact that you certainly get energy, and what feels like nutrient energy, from the sun alone. While sungazing, I found I could perform physical activity with much more energy than I could while eating healthy meals. I didn’t practice sungazing long enough to say whether I could have survived on the sun alone, but my results were certainly encouraging. Here is more on Jani’s tests. Sources: .

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