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Man Creates $150 Tiny Camper Home You Can Pull With Your Bike (Downloadable Plans)

The tiny home movement seems to be taking the world by storm, as more and more people are downsizing their lives by adopting smaller living spaces.

Man Creates $150 Tiny Camper Home You Can Pull With Your Bike (Downloadable Plans)

Even many celebrity figures, such as former pro snowboarder Mike Basich, have joined the alternative housing evolution that is helping to reduce our negative impact on the planet. However, Paul Elkins has taken tiny living to a whole new level with his new “stealth camper.” Insulated to keep you warm in the winter and ventilated to keep you cool in the summer, this mini camper retails for the insanely low price of $150 US dollars. What makes the camper even more remarkable is that it is easily towed by a bicycle, making it completely transportable. In this short video, Paul gives us a tour of the living space that he on occasion calls home and shares how he developed the idea for the home. As Paul describes, what makes the camper so affordable is the fact it is largely constructed of materials that can be found for very cheap or even free in some cases.

The structure may look laughable to some, but being fully equipped with a bed area, stove, drawers, cabinets, and a shelf makes it a lot more practical than one would ever imagine. In addition to being a wonderful option for those looking to add some portable adventure to their life, the structure also serves as a viable option to help shelter the world’s homeless. Back in January of 2015, I wrote an article to spread awareness of a funding campaign designed to help build portable shelters for the homeless. While those shelters were certainly impressive enough, Paul’s design seems to take affordability to a whole new level.

The challenge lies at the city level, where laws need to be changed to allow the less fortunate to occupy shelters of this nature safely and permanently — or at least for however long they need to. To help make the “stealth camper” a reality for many all over the world, Paul generously included the downloadable plans he used to construct it. If any of you reading this decide to take the initiative and build the camper yourself, please be sure to share your story with us via the comment section below! SOURCE .

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