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Markey: We Want Biden to Ban Further Drilling on Public Lands, Declare Climate Emergency

On Monday’s broadcast of NBC’s “MTP Now,” Sen.

Markey: We Want Biden to Ban Further Drilling on Public Lands, Declare Climate Emergency

Ed Markey (D-MA) said that Democrats want the Biden administration, “and they’re saying they’re going to do that, to use executive action to deal with the climate crisis, to use, potentially, the Defense Production Act, stopping any additional drilling on public lands in our country.” Markey also stated that he would like the administration to “declare a climate emergency” while also still pushing for a reconciliation bill on climate that can pass Congress with only Democratic votes. Markey stated, “We have to pass prescription drugs. We have to pass the healthcare subsidies. We have to get that done. But we shouldn’t walk away from climate. We want the White House, and they’re saying they’re going to do that, to use executive action to deal with the climate crisis, to use, potentially, the Defense Production Act, stopping any additional drilling on public lands in our country. I would actually declare a climate emergency. But to also not give up on the congressional process because this other reconciliation bill still sits there as a vehicle, that, with a Democrat-only solution, we could put it on the president’s desk.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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