Meet 'Die Glocke', The Mysterious Nazi Anti Gravity Machine
Die Glocke (The Bell) was a supposed Nazi Wunderwaffe, or wonder weapon.

It was described by Polish journalist and writer Igor Witkowski in Prawda or Wunderwaffe (2000), later popularized by military journalist and writer Nick Cook, as well as by Joseph P. Farrell and other authors who associate it with Nazi occultism antigravity and free energy research. Witkowski came across details about Die Glocke in after obtaining access, through a contact in the Polish intelligence service, to the transcripts of the interrogation of an SS officer, Jakob Sporrenberg. In them, the German narrated the details of an experiment carried out in a hidden base called Der Riese, which was in the Owl Mountains, near the Wenceslaus mine, in the Sudetes (near the Czech border).
The device, shrouded in mystery, has also been described by many authors as a possible Nazi time traveling machine. According to Patrick Kiger’s article published in the National Geographic magazine, Die Glocke has become a popular topic of speculation, with a fandom around this and other so-called Nazi Wunderwaffen.
The Bell was presented as a magical, occult weapon, based on a technology that goes far beyond anything mankind was capable of producing. However, the possibility that there was a hidden device completely revolutionary for its time and very rare, if possible, is something that has excited the imagination of many writers. Some of them like Jan Van Helsing, Norbert-Jürgen Ratthofer, and Vladimir Terziski did not have issues when mixing reality and fiction in a mixture that included mystical weapons, the Nazi esotericism, secret societies, and UFOs, a phenomenon that began spreading quickly in the fifties. So, what the heck is the bell? The Bell or Die Glocke was a supposed experiment carried out by scientists from Nazi Germany who worked for the SS in a facility known as Der Riese (The Giant, in German), near the Wenceslaus mine, close to the Czech border.
The Bell is described as a device “made of a hard and heavy metal”, with an approximate diameter of 2.7 m and a height between 3.7 m and 4.6 m, having a shape similar to that of a large bell. According to Cook’s interview with Witkowski, this device contained two counter-rotating cylinders that would be “filled with a substance similar to mercury, violet in color”. This metallic liquid was codenamed “Xerum 525” and was “stored in a tall, thin thermos, one meter high and encapsulated in lead.” It is said that the experiments used additional substances, mentioned as Leichtmetall (light metal, in German), “including thorium and beryllium peroxides.” Witkowski describes that when The Bell was activated, it had a range of 150 m to 200 m.
The Polish journalist explained that the goal of Die Glocke was to generate antigravity propulsion – that’s why it was tightened to the ground by means of thick chains. Witkowski explains that when the device was activated it could cause deadly effects on living beings that were within a radius of 150 to 200 meters : freezing of the blood in the circulatory system, decomposition of the organic tissues... Moreover, five of the seven members of the research team – led by physicist Walther Gerlach – perished during the tests, although it was not clear how. Witkowski tells in his book that a French scientist named Elie Cartan had already taken important steps in that field of antigravity after the First World War, although the antigravity that generated by his alleged machine was too weak to have a practical application. Die Glocke may have been based on the technology introduced by Cartan. Based on certain external evidence, Witkowski claims that the ruins of a concrete structure – nicknamed “The Henge” – in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (50 ° 37’43 ” N 16 ° 29’40 “E), about 3.1 km southeast of the main Sokolec Complex of the underground works of the Riese Project, could have served as a testing platform for an experiment on” antigravity propulsion “generated with The Bell. However, the abandoned structure has also been interpreted as the remains of a conventional industrial cooling tower. Whether the Bell may or may not have existed remains one of the best hidden Nazi secrets. However, we do know that ‘Der Riese’ really existed and consisted of underground facilities that began to be built from 1943 from Książ Castle, with tunnels, railways, telephone lines, etc.
The labor force employed was about thirteen thousand prisoners, mostly transferred from Auschwitz, and according to the testimony of Albert Speer, the architect of the regime, the budget for the works amounted to one hundred and fifty million marks. Featured image credit: Die Glocke / Discovery Chan.
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