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Monsanto Forced To Dish Out $289 Million For Lying To The World About Cancer & Glyphosate

For years we’ve (Collective Evolution) have been writing about Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, among other products of theirs, and how it is causing cancer and other fatal diseases worldwide.

Monsanto Forced To Dish Out $289 Million For Lying To The World About Cancer & Glyphosate

We’ve presented the science, and countless publications and scientists from all over the world have been making this clear for years.

The science is overwhelming, as well as the scientific fraud, yet it has taken decades upon decades for the World Health Organisation (WHO) to finally admit that yes, it’s carcinogenic.\ Now, a groundbreaking settlement has just been made public. As Reuters reports: The case of school groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson was the first lawsuit alleging glyphosate causes cancer to go to trial. Monsanto, a unit of Bayer AG following a $62.5 billion acquisition by the German conglomerate, faces more than 5,000 similar lawsuits across the United States.

The jury at San Francisco’s Superior Court of California deliberated for three days before finding that Monsanto had failed to warn Johnson and other consumers of the cancer risks posed by its weed killers. It awarded $39 million in compensatory and $250 million in punitive damages. As Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a lawyer representing Johnson in the case declared on Twitter, the court “awarded 200 million in punitive damages against Monsanto for ‘acting with malice and oppression.'” When you sit down in front of ordinary people, like jurors, and present the evidence that a teenager could stifle through and draw obvious conclusions. This verdict proves that when ordinary citizens, in this case a jury of 12, hear the facts abotu Monsanto’s products, and the lengths to which this company has gone to buy off scientists, deveive the public and influence government regulatory agencies, there is no confusion.” – Ronnie Cummins, International Director of the organic consumers association Here in North American, despite the fact that we may not think so, we are heavily shielded from information. Roundup is banned all across Europe, in fact, North American biotech company products are completely banned in many parts of the world. It’s funny to think about, that our dinner here in North America is illegal in most countries! Take Sri Lanka for example, chronic kidney disease has been affecting poor farming regions all over the world, and right after a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health suggests that Roundup, or glyphosate, becomes highly toxic to the kidney. An investigation carried out by medical specialists and scientists has revealed that kidney disease was mainly caused by glyphosate. President Mahinda Rajapaksa has ordered the immedie removal of glyphosate from the local market soon after he was told of the contents of the report.” (source) A report coming out of Argentina explains how deaths from cancerous tumours have as much as doubled in areas where genetically modified (GM) crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used. You can read more about that and access the report here. “There is evidence of high levels of genetic damage in people of Marcos Juarez, which may result from unintentional exposure to pesticides. ” – Fernando Manas, Ph.D. National University of Rio Cuarto (source) The list goes on and on, the Environmental Protection Agency’s mission statement reads: “to protect human health and the environment.” Ironically, while the EPA has done some strong work in the past, the agency has also helped corporations destroy the environment and threaten human health through pesticide usage and adding neurotoxins to our drinking water.

These are only two of many examples of the EPA doing an inadequate job of protecting human health and the environment. Take the Poison Papers, for example, it was a recent project created by The Bioscience Resource Project and The Center for Media and Democracy in a joint effort to expose any corruption within the EPA or chemical companies that somehow evade or bend U.S. laws.

The “Poison Papers” represent a vast trove of rediscovered chemical industry and regulatory agency documents and correspondence stretching back to the 1920s. Taken as a whole, the papers show that both industry and regulators understood the extraordinary toxicity of many chemical products and worked together to conceal this information from the public and the press. (source) Need I say more? It was only a couple of years ago when Monsanto’s attempt to hide mounting concerns over Roundup came crashing down when a federal court unsealed documents regarding its safety and research practices.

The documents involve internal company emails exposing corruption within Monsanto, as the company recruited outside scientists to co-author reports defending the chemical. It’s concerning because of most animals and humans urinATE high levels of glyphosate, at least in the countries where it is still legal (not many). One study published in the Journal of Environmental Analytical Toxicology has now proven that animals and humans who consume GMO foods – those that are loaded with glyphosate chemicals, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp – have extremely high levels of glyphosate in their urine.

There are many more studies like this that I’ve been published across Europe. What’s even more disturbing is the fact that studies have shown that Roundup herbicide is over one hundred times more toxic than regulators claim. For example, a new study published in the journal Biomedical Research International shows that Roundup herbicide is 125 times more toxic than its active ingredient glyphosate studied in isolation. You can read more about that here. It’s quite clear that this stuff should be completely illegal! This information doesn’t even scratch the tip of the iceberg. This Is What Happens To The Brain When Glyphosate Aluminum Accumulate Inside of It Hundreds of Scientists Tell The World That The GMO Cancer Link Is Real A Great Video That Exposes The Relationship Between Monsanto The US Government Federal Lawsuit Forces US Government To Share Disturbing Facts On Genetically Engineered Foods Here’s Why More Than 35 Countries Have Banned Genetically Modified Crops From Their Country How Monsanto Genetically Modifies Our Food Compared To What Happens Naturally In Nature What Parents Need To Know About Monsanto: “By 2025 One In Two Children Will Be Autistic” .

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