Mother Brings Her Baby Back To Life With Two Hours Of Loving Cuddles After Doctors Pronounce Him Dead
Kate Ogg gave birth to twins but to her dread, after one of her newborns struggled to breathe, doctors pronounced him dead.

As she held her new son, she and her husband could not believe what had happened. Perhaps in a last attempt to say goodbye, or simply by instinct, she unwrapped her baby and held him against her skin. Her lifeless son – born at 27 weeks weighing 2lb – was lovingly held and cuddled as she expressed her love to him while not wanting to let him go.
Then something amazing happened. Throughout the next 2 hours, baby Jamie began showing signs of life as something was bringing him back to life. Although they had summoned the doctors on occasion to have another look, he insisted the actions they were seeing were normal reflexes and that the baby was still in fact dead. As time continued to pass, Kate decided to put some breast milk on her finger and feed it to her child.
The child took the breast milk and continued to show more signs of life.
The family was witnessing a miracle.
They called the doctor back into the room once more and this time the doctor was in complete shock as he realized he was witnessing something he could not understand either. ‘I thought, “Oh my God, what’s going on”,’ said Mrs Ogg. ‘A short time later he opened his eyes. It was a miracle.
Then he held out his hand and grabbed my finger. ‘He opened his eyes and moved his head from side to side.
The doctor kept shaking his head saying, “I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it”.’ The power of skin-to-skin contact, also known as ‘kangaroo care,’ seems to be very evident in this case. Generally when a child has complications at birth, they are rushed off to intensive care right away. This doesn’t allow the mother and her love the opportunity to assist the child in its early minutes. While this might seem like magical wishful thinking, we are discovering more and more through science, the true power of the heart and love.
The ‘kangaroo care’ technique, named after the way kangaroos hold their young in a pouch next to their bodies, allows the mother to act as a human incubator to keep babies warm, stimulated and fed. Studies have shown that skin-to-skin contact with a mother vs. standard contact, allows low-weight infants to maintain a higher oxygen saturation after birth.[1] Pre-term and low birth-weight babies treated with the skin-to-skin method have also been shown to have lower infection rates, less severe illness, improved sleep patterns and are at reduced risk of hypothermia. It is my opinion that as time goes on we are going to continue to observe, understand and implement, on a large scale, procedures and therapies that better reflect what would happen naturally within the human body and its environment. This is not to say there isn’t value in standard medical techniques, but simply that getting rigid with the techniques can often leave out very important human, love and energy related factors that can be instrumental in any given situation. I believe that the scientific and medical field can often be too consumed by their methods at times, not allowing the not-yet-understood factors to have a role in certain decisions. Efforts to further test them and their efficacy are rarely brought forth. Too often we can generate a narrow minded view and arrogance about what we know through science and this can close our minds to what else might be possible. Much of what we have today is dogma, rather than scientific fact in an industry plagued by corruption. But there is still some good. This of course is not seen throughout the entire field as there are a number of brilliant scientific minds who are also very open to the power of consciousness. While this story is absolutely amazing, I like to not think of it as a miracle but instead a lesson. Experiences like this allow us to see and observe the power of things we don’t yet understand completely so that we can embrace the possibility and begin exploring it further. This idea that if we cannot touch or see something, then it must not work effectively has to be let go of if we are going to embrace various methods of not just healing but dealing with many things in life. Sources: [1] .
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