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Mother’s Day Products for Her Inner Goddess

Mother’s Day Products for Her Inner Goddess

In celebration of Mother’s Day, use discount code “MAMA25” Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and a lot of us find it hard to figure out what to do for those who have raised us or aided us in our time of need! Mothers come in all shapes, sizes, and forms, and their gifts should suit their natural loving and caring spirit. Well, we at the Alchemist’s Kitchen have some great Mother’s Day Products that are perfect for the mothers in your life! This Herbal Revolution Organic Red Clover Flower Essence is an amazing tincture that will aid your mother’s anxieties and smooth out any stressors that may be plaguing their everyday lives. Red clover not only metaphysically aids energy and mood, but it is also a great ally for women experiencing painful menstrual and menopause symptoms. As red clover is a natural anti-inflammatory herb, this tincture can also aid arthritis and other related conditions. Drinking red clover every day can also improve skin health! This Organic Red Clover Flower Essence is the perfect Mother’s Day Product for soothing and relaxing your mom’s anxieties! Fat of the Land Apothecary has worked tirelessly to create a product that can sweeten life while also being a nutritious supplement to aid and regulate cycles that all women go through in life. That simple beginning has led to the creation of the Maiden Mother and Crone Mulberry Iron Elixir. This delicious syrup can be added to any drink or dessert for an additional helpful aid against fatigue, anemia, and detoxification. This Maiden Mother and Crone Mulberry Iron Elixir is a perfect replacement for your usual iron supplements. Simply adding this elixir to your favorite drink can increase your iron take and allow your body to gain the nutrients it needs to get through the day! This is the best Mother’s Day gift for the mom on the go, who needs that little boost to help her stay prepped and ready for the week! Your Weekly Dose Of Wellness Receive the latest savings, events, herbal education and 10% Off your first purchase. Plant Alchemy has always been an ally to motherhood. With our Botanical Brain Concentrate and Concentrated CBD Oil Double Dose Sampler, your mother can gain relief from all the anxieties and joint discomfort that may plague her. Using premium flower strains and herbs, this CBD Oil concentrate is an amazing aid for all those bodily troubles that just can’t seem to go away. As we age, we find that our joints and muscles may turn against us. Now, what they need is not continually popped pills, but something to loosen and soothe the inflammation and pain that occurs from use! With our CBD Oil Tasters, you can soothe the aches of everyday life while also focusing further on your work.

These are great Mother’s Day Products for the mom in need of some pain relief! And if your mother is not too keen on taking CBD drops, check out our Transdermal Pain Relief Patches. Just pop it on your sore spots and watch the pain melt away! Along with our CBD Lemongrass Soothe Balm, these topical CBD products are perfect for mothers who are hesitant to consume CBD. It’s approachable, affordable, and excellent to use no matter your age! Finally, our Holy Wood Essential Oil Blend and Holy Fruit Essential Oil Blend are great and fragrant Mother’s Day gifts that will brighten any home and allow you and your mom to relax. Made using our safely and respectfully harvested palo santo, these essential oils can be put through any humidifier or decanter to bring a calming and energizing scent to your place of rest. For Mother’s Day, these essential oils are a great way to prepare the house for her day of relaxation and reward! Never skimp out on Mother’s Day. You should always treat those who have helped you throughout life with respect and love. Give them a gift they deserve this Mother’s Day and allow them to relax with our amazing and spiritual Mother’s Day Products! Frankie Kavakich is a published prose and poetry writer and a practicing witch whose love for the occult and horror permeates their everyday life. For eight years, they have studied a variety of practices including kitchen witchery, chaos magick, divination, manifestation, and brujería. Within their writing, Frankie features numerous topics ranging from ghosts and spirits to the importance of community and reliance on nature's bounty.

Their great grandmother Nilda was a healer from the rain forests of Puerto Rico, and Frankie is endlessly inspired by the gentle hands and kind hearts of their ancestors.

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