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mRNA injections could cause an epidemic of prion diseases – and not only in the vaccinated

mRNA injections could cause an epidemic of prion diseases – and not only in the vaccinated

If the spike protein of both the infection and the injection is an engineered prion, a result of bio-warfare research and development, then this has grave implications for humanity because these weaponised prions are far more dangerous than viruses.

The most commonly known prion disease is CJD or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which is a spongiform encephalopathy where the brain becomes spongy, wastes away and ultimately leads to a horrible death. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are other neurodegenerative diseases associated with prions.

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A paper published in 2013, more than ten years ago, found that the action of mRNA is a known cause of prion disease, which can result in “transmissible spongiform encephalopathy” from the slightest exposure to altered proteins.

“Frameshifting accounts quantitatively for the ætiology of prion disease. One per million frameshifted prions may be enough to cause disease. The HIV TAR-like element in the PRNP mRNA is likely an effector of frameshifting,” the paper explained.

A video last month featured UK-based Dr. Kevin McCairn explaining this mechanism. Dr. McCairn – who first raised the alarm over the dangers of prion disease in 2020 and is a former neuroscientist at the Korea Brain Research Institute – reveals that mRNA technology used in the covid injections is causing the same “frame shifting” that leads to harmful prions being produced.

He also asserts that these prions can be transmitted to others, whether they have received the “vaccines” or not.

“Mis-folded proteins caused by prions can impact every level organ and tissue system in the body…” Dr. McCairn said in the video published by Health Alliance Australia on 19 February. “[They] bioaccumulate and are resistant to degradation, thereby building up in the environment.”

Due to this, they can be transmitted to others.

Dr. McCairn describes the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself as “the result of bio-warfare research.”

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on Rumble HERE.

In the interview above, Dr. McCairn discusses how there was a coordinated effort from the very beginning of the outbreak in Wuhan, at the highest levels of the US National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) to suppress the priogenic nature of SARS-CoV-2.

He reveals that mRNA technology used in the covid injections causes frame shifting that leads to prions being produced, and transfected and as a result of prions being released into the environment. 

We now have a situation where these laboratory-engineered toxins are being absorbed by living things, potentially leading to a host of diseases from neurological to heart disease and cancer in anyone infected.

He discusses mRNA technology and how recent published research has revealed that mRNA injections can lead to frameshifting of the DNA but also the formation of harmful pathogenic proteins. This finding is significant and concerning.

Prion disease explains the mechanism for phenomena of “silent hypoxia,” the formation of fibrous, white clots, the sudden deaths of athletes, turbo CJD, turbo cancer, amyloidosis, neurological diseases and long covid being brain inflammation.

Dr. McCairn goes on to say, that the emergence of these proteins suggests a possible link between the vaccines’ mRNA technology and its unintended consequences. The output according to the author, pinpointed both the “unknown proteins but also the presence of the potential prion region. 

“It is a problematic, troubling observation should it be accurate, given the inherent risks linked to prion diseases and the implication for neurological health.”

Also, does the use of pseudouridine in the mRNA vaccines, which were delivered at a massive scale raise the prospect of a “broad impact of any unintended protein creation across different vaccine batches and formations?”

This is a huge finding that the injections are releasing prions that lead to disease not just in the recipient but also contaminate the environment and ability to transfect other people.

Dr Kevin McCairn says: “Misfolded proteins caused by prions can impact every level organ and tissue system in the body, bioaccumulate and are resistant to degradation, thereby building up in the environment, is that we do not need the like for like peptide to cause the misfolding in the next one, for the cascade to occur, in this instance we have cross seeding epitomes, that no longer need the whole protein, only certain segments to be digested and released to then come into susceptible proteins in the body, to misfold and then the process starts a chain reaction.”

Dr McCairn cautions that we are in a “highly controlled, information eco-system”, where there is censorship, narrative and counter-narrative control, behavioural control and advanced neuro-psychological techniques. He has been highly censored and has had to restart his social media accounts.

Further reading: Doctors warn mRNA vaccines could spur epidemic of prion brain diseases, LifeSite News, 4 March 2024

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