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Music Albums With Truth & Consciousness To Expand Your Mind

In January of 2012, we at CE released a list of movies with truth or consciousness within them..

Music Albums With Truth & Consciousness To Expand Your Mind

The list began as 24 films that we were familiar with and wanted to share with you all, the list has since then expanded to feature over 100 titles thanks to the contributions of all of you! To see that list right now and find out a new great movie to watch you can click HERE. In April of 2013, thanks to the hard-work of Eliot Estep we were also able to feature a list of books that promote truth and awakening.

The list in it’s original published form already featured close to 100 suggestions and now in combination with your comments is well over that mark. To see that list list right now and find a great book to snuggle up with and read you can click HERE. It’s now June 2013 and it only seems fitting that we finish the trilogy. This time we would like to present a list of music albums with truth or consciousness within the tracks they feature. Once again I would like to remind you that these lists are in no way a ranking of the best ones out there, they are simply some that we have come across and would like to use as a starting point for a list that we can all co-create.

The end result: a wonderful resource for us all to use and share no matter our musical preferences or taste. So go through our list, be sure to check out any albums you may not have been previously familiar with and please let us and everyone else know any that you have come across! Michael Jackson – Greatest Hits Quite possibly the most influential and gifted artist in the world, it would be crazy for us not to include Michael Jackson on this list. Since almost any of his albums could be selected the safest route is to go with the Greatest Hits compilation. Particular songs of interest include Heal The World They Don’t Care About Us.

The Beatles – Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band From the most influential solo artist we move to the quite possibly the most influential band in the world. Like with Michael Jackson there are numerous albums we could select but we will focus on ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ primarily for the song Within You Without You. But of course we suggest looking through a lot of The Beatles other music for a lot of truth and even simple yet nice messages. Macklemore – The Language of My World Released in 2005, The Language of My World is a powerful 20 track album featuring an abundance of powerful messages that can be classified as both truth-filled and conscious. Many of the tracks take a very melodic and powerful tone while others play with comedy to make this album more than worth checking out. Some of the suggested tracks on the album include: Hold Your Head Up, Ego Inhale Deep. Story of the Year – The Black Swan A lot of their other albums feature songs that hold glimpses of truth but in particular the album The Black Swan, released in 2007, boasts the most songs with this meaning associated to them. Some of the most notable songs on the album include: Cannonball, Choose Your Fate, The Antidote and Pale Blue Dot. John Lennon – Imagine In his solo work John Lennon also took the time to release fragments of truth throughout a number of his songs. In the album ‘Imagine’ in particular John Lennon took a much gentler tone and released several songs with great messages worth listening to.

The album itself also sits on the Rolling Stones Top 500 Albums of All-Time list as well. Tupac (2Pac) Shakur – Greatest Hits Before his death, Tupac became well known for releasing a fair amount of truth throughout a great number of songs. As a result of this almost all of his albums feature songs that could easily make their way on this list. We chose to however focus on the Greatest Hits album since it was the only that featured the song ‘Changes.’ This song in particular stands out to the understanding Tupac held and the message he wanted to share with the world. Circa Survive – Violent Waves Released in 2012, ‘Violent Waves’ is an album filled with truth towards a lot of the hardships faced within the music industry.

The band does not hesitate to speak out in a number of the songs on the album including: Birth of an Economic Hit Man Sharp Practice. It’s also worth noting that this was the first album that Circa Survive released without a record label attached to it. Immortal Technique – The Third World In all of his albums American rapper Immortal Technique is known for being a vocal activist on numerous issues.

These issues include but are not limited to class struggle, poverty and racism. All of his albums carry these powerful messages but we decided to draw upon his 3rd album The Third World as the focus here. Muse – The Resistance The band Muse is another one synonymous with sharing truth whether it be in the light of hoping to form some form of rebellion or not, the tracks are definitely worth listening to. In particular we’d like to suggest the album The Resistance. Aside from being packed with truth the album also garnered the band their first grammy in 2011 for Best Rock Album.

The Luminaries – One It’s not very often that you come across a band whose primary intention is to create songs that build awareness and share truth.

The Luminaries are just that and because that we really suggest you check out their album ‘One.’ Released in 2011 the 14-track album is filled with tons of truth and is quite melodic and easy to listen to.

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – Lonely Road Released in 2009, ‘Lonely Road’ by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus features a couple of songs with tidbits of truth and consciousness within them. In particular we suggest the songs Lonely Road and Believe. An interesting tidbit is that since the band released their 3rd album (the one following Lonely Road) barely any songs from Lonely Road are supposedly ever featured on their set list at performances. Bob Marley – Gold Collection 1970-1971 Bob Marley is another iconic figure without the need for much of an introduction or explanation. Many of Marley’s songs may not be as deep in truth but they always manage to share a message of love and interconnectedness. Much like with MJ and The Beatles, almost any of Marley’s songs could be suggested hence why we went with the Gold Collection which features a number of his best from various other albums. .

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