New California Bill Proposal Aims To Protect Targeted Individuals
Dr. Tomo Shibata has proposed a Bill to members of the California legislature entitled 'The Organized Torture Act,' which seeks to criminalize many of the types of attacks that are clandestinely made on Targeted Individuals.

How does making each individual in society culpable for their immoral and illegal actions, despite the pressure brought to bear on them to do these acts by their authority, help to liberate us as a collective? When German soldiers used the “I was just following orders” defense during the Nuremberg trials as a justification for heinous war crimes, it was established that “defense of superior orders” is not a defense for war crimes. As Nuremberg Principle IV states, The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him. Now, Human Rights Analyst Dr. Tomo Shibata would like this form of culpability governing war crimes extended to all those who are participating or are complicit in the ‘Organized Torture’ of Targeted Individuals, which involves a multiplicity of tactics and processes including gangstalking, intimidation, surveillance, and directed Electronic Weapons attacks. Dr. Shibata views these acts at least on a par with war crimes if not even more insidious in their nature and intent. She maintains that, “The proposed bill titled the ‘Organized Torture Act’ declares that Organized Covert Torture is a Crime against Humanity.” If you are not familiar with the phenomenon of Targeted Individuals, I would like to point you to my previous articles on the subject, ‘Targeted Individuals Need The Awakening Community To Believe Their Stories,’ and ‘Meet A “Targeted Individual” – Woman Shares Her Experience With Directed Energy Weapons & More.’ A comprehensive article by Ramola D covering the genesis of Dr. Shibata’s Bill Proposal helps us better understand the phenomenon: This proposal was made, Dr. Shibata states, on the basis of complaints to human rights groups from high numbers of residents across California from various cities including San Diego, Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Palo Alto, and others, of “organized covert torture” whereby, in lieu of outright abduction, victims are kept under constant control of the covert torture organizations by organized stalking, sustained surreptitious monitoring, cyberstalking, and stealth physical assault and battery with radiation weaponry such as microwave/radar surveillance weapons. Different sources offer varying estimates, running into hundreds of thousands, of the numbers of organized covert torture victims often labeled “Targeted Individuals” within the USA and around the world. Why this particular form of crime is so insidious is that victims are often unaware that such intentional activities are being performed on them, and as these crimes often involved a concerted combination of physiological, social, mental and emotional attacks carried out clandestinely, the victim is often left in a state of isolation, to deal with feelings of paranoia and doubts about their own sanity. If any type of crime needed the attention of the general and awakening public it is this one, as a growing awareness and acknowledgment of this phenomenon is absolutely essential to bring solace to the victims as well as empowering them to find ways to overcome these attacks. Dr. Shibata’s initiative is an important avenue for this, and it is why she needs to be supported by the public in this endeavor, especially in California where interested legislators are looking for signs that there is a public need and demand for this bill before tabling it in the legislature. Here is where it gets complex, and for good reason. It’s hard to know who is calling the shots here. In all likelihood, the technology and organization that make these covert attacks possible and prevent any resistance from the citizenry comes directly from the secretive bowels of the Deep State and those areas of the Military-Industrial Complex that this group has infiltrated. Certainly this power has been around for a long time, as John F. Kennedy clearly identified back in 1961: We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match. (source) And as technology has improved, and remote influence has become more powerful and accurate, it appears that one growing cog of the Deep State’s strategy of domination and enslavement is to experiment on individuals, not in laboratories as they did with MK Ultra experiments that ultimately led to citizens successfully suing the government for damages, but in the course of individuals’ normal lives, while they smugly observe our inability to clearly detect and understand what is going on. We do have brave whistleblowers who have come out to help us see some pieces of the puzzle. One is former FBI Special Agent Geral Sosbee, who spoke with Ramola: Former FBI Special Agent and Whistleblower Geral Sosbee testified that he believed the FBI leads the process to wrongfully name people Suspected Terrorists or criminals and centrally command DHS Fusion Center contractors and local police to commit and condone the organized stalking and organized covert torture with stealth weapons against them. Geral Sosbee stated that it was his “personal opinion–based on also my professional experience–that the FBI is spearheading the most colossal and evil attacks on people ever conceived on the face of the Earth, and they are using Deep Space-based technology, they are using Bio-Chemical Bio Warfare Elements and Agents, and they’re using Psychological Warfare to destroy people.” Further, Mr. Sosbee testifies that the FBI operate as a global Mafia syndicate; historic analyses of how CIA and FBI operate have shown that they incorporate elements of the Mafia, gangs, and criminal networks in informant, infiltration, and entrapment operations. (source, source) “I have learned through my battles with FBI that the agents, operatives, hoodlums, thugs and murderers are the essence of all FBI operations, even though the FBI puts on a charade of semi respectability on popular media.
The FBI is in reality a global MAFIA syndicate and most people fear or idolize them.” In an article describing how the FBI persuades corrupt Federal Magistrate Judges (FMJ) to issue fraudulent court orders against people of integrity and whistleblowers they wish to destroy by making them targets of Fusion Center Surveillance and stealth-weapon “monitoring,” Sosbee describes how local police become pawns in this mission: “All police and all private security companies are especially reminded not to interfere with the secret orders of a FMJ. With any effort to defend the Target against the order, the licensed investigator or police officer loses his license or is fired through contempt orders.” There are other testimonies from former agents, politicians, and military people, but the reason I bring up Sosbee’s testimony is for how it paints a picture of the hierarchical web of complicity that makes these operations possible. Law enforcement, fusion center contractors, criminals and even some members of the general public can be complicit in the enterprise. Thus a hierarchical chain-of-command leading upwards into the most secretive and protected bowels of the Deep State means it is nearly impossible for us to get to the head of the snake. Some, like Sosbee, believe the FBI leads this process; others maintain the CIA is at the helm. In all likelihood, the ultimate power rests within a group without a name or public identity, who use corrupted aspects of the CIA, FBI and other government intelligence and surveillance agencies, the judiciary, law enforcement, and others to ensure they will be able to wreak unfettered attacks on whomever they choose. Which is why we need to first put the spotlight on the smaller players, the pawns, the bit criminals, those who are only doing it to retain their job or license, and fear reprisal if they speak out about what they very well may consider injustice.
They need to be reminded that they are each responsible for their actions, and there needs to be serious consequences for knowingly acting in ways that are illegal or immoral. Blindly following orders, just as German soldiers were found to have done in the Nuremberg trials, can no longer be condoned. Dr. Shibata’s Bill proposal for her ‘Organized Torture Act’ serves as a first step in this direction. In my mind, if this Bill is introduced to the legislature and eventually passed into law, it will have a positive 3-fold effect just in terms of awareness: The official bill proposal can be found here. Some of the highlights follow here as taken from Ramona’s article cited above: Bill Proposal Seeks to Curtail and Penalize Law Enforcement Officers in Organized Torture/Stalking Noting therefore the involvement of some Law Enforcement in Organized Stalking and Organized Covert Torture activities, the bill proposal seeks punitive consequences of higher fines and longer-term imprisonments for police/Peace Officers found guilty of violating the bill’s proposed laws against Organized Torture and Stalking. Such violations have been publicly reported. Indeed, this writer has previously covered and is in contact with several California (and other US state) residents who have reported being egregiously stalked and surveilled by Police and EMS personnel, including with Police vehicles and helicopters. For instance, Tina Lane, a California resident (name changed for her protection), a State-protected victim of domestic abuse, attests in fact to being human-trafficked and stalked and surveilled continuously by local Law Enforcement, even though she is under State protection. Special attention is paid in the bill proposal to those Peace Officers who disregard victim-reportage as delusional and recklessly “psych-commit” reporting victims– by unlawfully naming them delusional or “paranoid schizophrenic,” then wrongfully arresting and detaining them in 3-day 5150 Holds, in abuse of Section 5150 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code. Excerpt/Organized Torture Bill Proposal Also noted in the bill proposal is the defamatory discrediting of victims with falsified medical records painting victims in a false light—such as naming them drug addicts or sex offenders–and injuriously doing so in the victim’s own neighborhood and community, soliciting organized surveillance and harassment by neighbors and EMS/public personnel. An added aspect considers especially vulnerable populations.
The bill proposal seeks to rout out Peace Officer complicity with Organized Torture organizations to prevent abusive discrimination against vulnerable populations, like child abuse survivors and psychologically-disabled residents, who are being intentionally selected for Organized Torture. Victimizing of such protected classes would incur further penalties for any participating Peace Officer, making him civilly and criminally liable for any injury sustained and indeed personally liable—not indemnified, that is, able to rely on taxpayer monies–to pay compensation to victims. Psychiatrists and Doctors Aiding and Abetting Organized Torture Would Be Penalized The Organized Torture bill proposal also seeks to fine, imprison, and de-license psychiatrists who purposefully or knowingly facilitate Organized Torture by issuing false diagnoses; or medical doctors who purposefully or knowingly tamper with physical evidence of organized covert torture injury sustained by reporting victims. Excerpt/Organized Torture Bill Proposal Californian residents and organizations who care about stanching these extreme human rights abuses are encouraged to help support efforts to persuade State senators and representatives to introduce the Organized Torture Bill via Dr. Shibata’s GoFundMe page where she encourages supporters/groups to both donate funds and sign their names openly to present a public show of support. If passed, this law could set a much-needed precedent for other states in the US and world, as cities, states, and countries worldwide struggle with issues of Organized Torture and Stalking. Thousands of targeted victims would benefit, and the covert assault programs run by the criminal elements of the government and the Mafia alike, currently rampant, would fade away. As Dr. Shibata explains, “Positive strides in CA to counteract the crimes of Organized Stalking and Organized Covert Torture through legislation will be a model for other states to follow suit. Donations of any size will contribute to the ongoing efforts to criminalize and to end this sophisticated crime against humanity.” Efforts to make individuals accountable for actions that are detrimental to humanity helps tear down the control hierarchies that currently enslave us, since without the footsoldiers carrying out their missions there can be no war. One of the fundamental tenets of our collective awakening is that we as individuals are responsible for our actions. Our liberty is contingent on our steadfast unwillingness to accept the notion that being ordered or threatened to do something we personally believe is immoral or illegal is any kind of excuse or justification for doing it. A new world, organized around equality and fairness, is set to come into being once everyone realizes not only their responsibility within the whole, but also the fact that they need not be a compliant subordinate to anyone else.
Read the full article at the original website