New Moon In Sagittarius: Pursuing Ideals
We are having a New Moon in Sagittarius on December 7th, 2018 in most of the world and late night December 6th in Western North America.

This is initiating a 29.5-day Lunar cycle and a new wave of energy for the coming month. This cycle will peak at the Full Moon in Cancer on December 22nd.
The Sun entered Sagittarius on November 22nd, while Jupiter and Mercury Retrograde have also been in this sign, so we have already been experiencing much of its qualities already. However, in this case we can experience more of a ‘kick start’ of Sagittarian energies due to this New Moon as well as Mercury beginning to move forward. Sagittarius is about exploration, experience, learning/teaching, travel, foreign countries, philosophies, beliefs, idealism, and optimism. It is also associated with things like marketing, media, and sales. It is passionate and instinctual, yet can be excessive, blunt, egotistical, argumentative, opinionated, preachy, unrealistic, and have a ‘know-it-all’ complex. However, this New Moon is an opportunity to work with Sagittarian energies in new or revamped ways. Mercury has been retrograde since mid-November which ends 10 hours before this New Moon. Since then, we could have been experiencing some adjustments, challenges, realizations, or a different outlook in certain areas of our lives connected to Sagittarian themes mentioned. From this point on until December 24th, we will gain more clarity, momentum, productivity, or final conclusions around the aspects of our lives that been affected by the retrograde. It is good to look back at the period between November 25th-28th which was the most significant part of this retrograde. Certain thoughts, conversations, and developments that occurred during that time could provide some of the more important realizations and understandings which could influence how things develop over the coming months. However, it is also important to see how things fall into place over the coming weeks. Mars in Pisces has been moving towards a conjunction with Neptune which peaks at this New Moon, yet this energy will also affect the entire lunar cycle to a certain degree. This can be good for doing anything creative, spiritual, inspiring, idealistic, compassionate, relaxing, selfless, or something that involves water. It can make us more easy going, in the flow, and could even feel magical for some people. Escapism or intoxication tendencies can also be strong for people who are more susceptible to that. Our actions or drive can also be unrealistic and fantasy based. Considering that Mercury is also changing motion during the peak of this aspect, it can be more difficult to do mundane and practical tasks. We can also experience more challenges or delays due to lack of attention or cloudy thinking. This conjunction is in a square with the New Moon in Sagittarius, which can contribute to being less focused, scattered, and/or confused. Perhaps in some cases there can be a conflict around beliefs and opinions. However, this square can also be good for taking creative, spiritual, visual, or inspired action towards Sagittarius activities related to learning/teaching, travel, or media. As Mercury ends its retrograde in late Scorpio, it stays nearly still while in a grand trine with Chiron in Pisces and the North Node in Cancer. Our thinking or communications can have themes connected to healing, holistic understanding, unorthodox approaches, bridging ideas/things, wholeness, and spiritual integration. Considerations of the future and where we are headed could come up. Moving forward instead of staying stuck in the past, or perhaps utilizing challenges of the past to help us move forward. This grand trine is occurring in water signs which can make this energy emotional, passionate, sensitive, and intuitive. Mercury is also in a quincunx with Uranus which is strongest from December 9th -12th. This occurs just before Mercury returns to Sagittarius. This can manifest as disruptions, unexpected developments, or changes which could require us to make necessary adjustments. This can also play out as challenges around communication, or perhaps previously unforeseen details coming into our awareness which could require a change in the way think about something. In some cases, this period can have some complications that are usually associated with Mercury retrograde. Although Venus ended its retrograde in mid-November, the ‘post-retrograde shadow’ period is a month long in itself. This is when it appears to gradually pick up speed in forward motion and travels back to the same parts of the zodiac where it was previously during the retrograde. During this time, we gain more clarity, as well as forward moving developments regarding Venus, ruled areas of love, relationships, friendships, values, money, aesthetic undertakings, life’s pleasures, or perhaps other social themes. It is possible there could be some significant Venus related developments that could occur between December 6th-9th, and more likely from December 7th-8th. If so, it could be connected to what was playing out or thoughts that have occurred in late October. Venus is also moving towards a sextile with Saturn in Capricorn which is exact on December 16th, the same day that the Venus shadow period ends. This could also be another significant period for some people regarding Venus issues. Perhaps there can be some sort of conclusion to what the Venus retrograde was about for you.
The aspect with Saturn could bring some stabilizing or solidifying energy to Venus-ruled areas, and perhaps can having something to do with commitments or responsibilities. Mars will also be in a sextile with Pluto at the same time.
These energies combined can be good for making great progress in different areas of life, depending on how this is all interacting with your personal natal chart. What insights or developments have occurred in the last few days? What thoughts or intuitions have you been having? Have there been any synchronicities or repeating themes coming up around you, through communications with others, or perhaps through any type of media you have been consuming? How does that connect to what has been playing out for you over the last 5 weeks? How do you currently think you should proceed based on this? In what ways do you need to expand in your life? What can you do to better live your truth? Have your beliefs or perspectives changed or perhaps challenged? What are your relationships showing you? What are your ideals? These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time, however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. However, the closer the better and can be as early as 30 minutes prior to the exact moment of it. This New Moon will be occurring at 7:20am Universal Time on December 7th. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone..
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