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New Moon In Scorpio: Heal From The Past To Build A Better Future

We will be having a New Moon in Scorpio on Wednesday, November 11th at 5:47pm Universal Time.New Moons are the beginning of the 29.5 day moon cycle and signal a fresh start for the following month.

New Moon In Scorpio: Heal From The Past To Build A Better Future

. This is when there is no light on the Moon, but the beginning of when the light slowly starts to increase again, becoming visible over the following days. This is known as the beginning of the waxing phase, which lasts until the Full Moon and is associated with growth, expansion, and unfoldment. New Moons are a great time to plant seeds, set intentions, or perform actions in relation to what you would like to grow or manifest over the upcoming cycle. It is best to do this as close to the minute of the New Moon as possible, but it can also be done over the following 24 hours (click here to find out for your time zone). As the moon’s light grows and expands, your intentions and actions could continue to develop further. How everything unfolds for each person also depends on how one is being individually influenced by the astrology. Scorpio is associated with control, power, and intensity. As a water sign it is highly emotional, yet under the rulership of Mars it is also very primal. Scorpio is a probing energy that likes to dig deep as it seeks for what is beneath the surface, whether or not it is ugly. Deep intimacy and sexuality are also strong themes for this sign, as well as giving, receiving, and overall sharing of resources. It is full of both passion and suspicion. Scorpio is about seeking deep levels of trust and loyalty, however this energy likes to first look at the worst in everything and everyone before committing to any type of trust. Mercury, which rules the mind, likes to get to the bottom of things when it is in a sign like Scorpio. With the trine aspect to Chiron, this can be an easier time to probe deep enough to become aware of or heal from old traumatic wounds and experiences that have resulted in negative subconscious patterns. With Jupiter in Virgo involved with these planets, addressing our wounds and blockages can be fortunate for our physical health, work, duties, and organizing our lives and lifestyle. For people who are currently overwhelmed with responsibilities, this can be a time where you can reach a ‘block’ which can only be removed by some sort of healing or transformation. Heal from the past to build a better future. At this New Moon, Scorpio’s ruler Mars will be at the tail end of Virgo conjunct the North Node, and both will be switching signs. We may find ourselves trying to finish things up and tying up loose ends in our work, duties, and relationships. Being overly critical of ourselves and others can also play out with this configuration. Ultimately with the transitioning North Node being highlighted during this New Moon, it marks the beginning of a new evolutionary process for us that will play out over the next 1.5 years. What are the blockages in your life that are in the way of you creating a healthier, more sustainable and organized future? What blockages are in the way of you achieving deeper levels of intimacy with your lover? What do you need to do to earn the trust of others? What is the source of your negative patterns and what can you do to heal from this and transform? What investments of your time, energy, and money will yield beneficial long term results? These are types of themes that could be the basis for our intentions at this New Moon. Remember that it is best to set your intentions within the first 24 hours after the New Moon (click here to find out for your time zone). You can declare them by speaking out loud, but even better is to either write them down in words or illustrate images which reflect what it is you intend. You can also do a combination of these techniques, or employ any other means which make sense to you. — For more information on getting a personalized reading with astrologer Carmen Di Luccio, visit his services page here. These readings are specific to the date, time, and location of your birth. You can also join his email mailing list here to be informed of any future astrology articles written by Carmen. .

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