New Moon In Virgo: Getting Things Done
We are having a New Moon in Virgo on September 9th, 2018 at 6:02pm Universal Time.This is initiating a 29.5 day Lunar cycle and a new wave of energy for the coming month.

. This cycle will peak at the Full Moon that is occurring on September 24th/25th. We have been in Virgo season since August 23rd with its ruler Mercury also there since September 5th/6th. Virgo is one of three Earth signs which are practical, realistic, grounded, and have a stronger orientation and sense toward the physical/material world. Compared to the other Earth signs, it is mutable and ruled by Mercury which makes it more adaptable, multitasking, problem solving, and mentally oriented. Virgo is a task oriented sign. It is about the work that needs to get done, how we take care of our bodies and health, how we organize our lives, how efficient and sustainable we are, and how we can be of service. Virgo is analytical, orderly, systematic, meticulous, clean, pure, discriminating, and the perfectionist. It can also be overly critical, fault finding, irritable, and restless. It’s interesting to note that in the Northern Hemisphere, Virgo season is the last month of Summer with Autumn beginning the last week of September. However I find that the majority of people view early September (or even late August) as the end of Summer. This is partly because Virgo season is less about fun (like the previous sign Leo is) and more about getting to work. Part of this has to do with school beginning for most people which is ultimately a reflection of Virgo season. Jupiter in Scorpio is finishing off its sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. It was strong in January when it began and in April during Jupiter’s retrograde. It is possible that now we can experience a conclusion process in relation to what was occuring or initiating during those periods. This New Moon is in a direct aspect with these planets and brings its own Virgoan energy into the equation. This sextile with Jupiter and Pluto can be empowering and transformative both in our personal development or even financially in some cases. It can also facilitate in our quest for deeper understandings, truths, and can also reveal things that were hidden. It can even reflect growth around sexuality, finances, and how we use our power. Considering that the New Moon in Virgo is collaborating with this energy, some of the themes mentioned in the previous paragraph could be connected to our work, duties, lifestyle, and health. Some people may notice this through positive and strengthening career developments,. Jupiter in Scorpio can open some doors through shared or borrowed resources becoming available. At the time of this New Moon, Venus is on the cusp of Libra/Scorpio while it is in a square with Mars which is on the cusp of Capricorn/Aquarius. Mars recently finished its retrograde and is still in its post shadow period while Venus is slowing down to go retrograde in early October. This combined with the fact that they are both changing signs in the same period signifies a time of transitions regarding Venus and Mars energies. We are in a period in which we are integrating and moving forward with some of the Mars Retrograde lessons, themes, and developments which occurred this past summer. It could have to do with how we assert ourselves, how we take action, how we deal anger/aggression, and could also have to do with sexuality. With Venus preparing to go retrograde in both Libra and Scorpio, we will gradually experience new developments around love, relationships, sex, values, beauty, creativity, and even financially. This will set the stage for necessary adjustments during the retrograde and post-retrograde period from October to December. This square between Venus and Mars could be about how we are applying our recent Mars lessons and reorientations towards the mentioned Venus related areas which will undergo its own recalibration process. This energy can also be passionate yet intense when it comes to matters of love. Some people may experience a conflict between love and sex.
The Venus square Mars aspect mentioned above is also interacting with Uranus which can also bring sudden changes, instability, disruptions, loss, separations, and rebelliousness in relationships or even financially. Challenges around freedom may come up. This can also reflect new and exciting energy around relations or pleasurable pursuits. However, we can be impulsive when it comes to seeking pleasures or spending money, and would be wise to think things through before doing something you might regret.. This energy is strongest around September 11th-12th, and can also play out from September 17th-19th. In the days prior to this New Moon, the Sun in Virgo made an opposition with Neptune while Mercury also in Virgo will do the same around September 13th-14th. Although Virgoan energy is detailed, focused, and hard working, the Neptune influence can bring an element of confusion, dreamy or delusional thinking, mental laziness, and perhaps even carelessness. Communications with others may not be clear or perhaps we may not say things correctly, and is also not the most ideal time to make agreements. This is kind of similar to Mercury retrograde. However, this can be great for applying our mind towards creative or imaginative efforts. On September 6th, Saturn ended its retrograde which began on April 17th.
Theses transition periods are when the energy of the planet becomes more apparent, in the weeks before and after the change in motion. We may experience developments or feelings connected to Saturn themes. Saturn rules responsibility, commitment, discipline, duty, effort, boundaries, as well as cautious and conservative approaches. It is in its own sign of Capricorn, which is about ambition, hard work, mastery, goals, career, and status. Saturn has been getting close to a trine with Uranus in Taurus in the past few weeks and will separate over the coming weeks. This is good for trying new, innovative, or technological approaches towards our work, responsibilities, routines, and perhaps lifestyle in some cases.
Their can also be developments that can give us more freedom. What can you do to organize your life and manage your tasks better? What steps should you take to improve your health and lifestyle? Is there anything playing out now connected to a process that began in January which can help you to move forward in a more empowered way? How should you proceed forward based on the developments that have come up for you in the last week in relation to your responsibilities, commitments, and career? What actions can you take to help you feel more liberated? These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time, however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. However, the closer to the New Moon the better and can be as early as 30 minutes prior to the exact moment of it. This New Moon will be occurring at 6:02pm Universal Time. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone..
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