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On Live TV BBC Journalist Shows Coca-Cola President How Much Sugar Is In Their Drink

We consume so much sugar on a daily basis, most of which is not even real, natural, or organic, and it’s probably one of the worst possible things we could be putting into our bodies.

On Live TV BBC Journalist Shows Coca-Cola President How Much Sugar Is In Their Drink

Sugar has a number of detrimental health effects and leads to many diseases, including diabetes and cancer, among others. In the highly processed form of high-fructose corn syrup, it became popular in the United States in the late 1970s because it was a much cheaper alternative to regular cane sugar.

These days, we are consuming an average of 27 teaspoons of sugar per day, while the recommended daily allowance from the American Heart Association is no more than six teaspoons a day for the average woman and no more than nine for the average male. Why are we consuming so much sugar? And why exactly is sugar added into almost everything we eat? It’s no secret that junk food is designed to be addictive, and that the added sugar within it wreaks havoc on your body and mind. A recent UCLA study determined that it is also lowering our IQ. You can read more about that here. Another study found it to be just as addictive as heroin. You can read more about that here. In the video below, BBC journalist Jeremy Paxman shows a Coca-Cola executive just how much sugar is in their drink. Our world is full of harmful foods and drinks that we regularly consume each day. It’s hard to believe that these products, made to be highly addictive, are marketed to the masses without consequence.

The Coca-Cola corporation is promoting sickness, obesity, and lowered cognitive function.

They are dumbing down society. How any human being can promote something that kills us is beyond my ability to understand. At the end of the day, regardless of how addicting and harmful a product is, you still have a choice not to consume it. You have to be the change.

These corporations hold no more power than what we give them. Without us, they have nothing. “I want a nation of workers, not thinkers.” – John D. Rockefeller Related CE Article: 5 Simple Steps To Help You Eliminate Sugar From Your Diet. Related CE Article: Wanna See What Happens To A 5 Year Old Girl Who’s Already Consumed 1460 Sodas In Her Life Time? Watch This .

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